Chapter 24

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Harry awkwardly stood there with his head down, he couldn't go anywhere because nick still had a tight grip on his arm.

some of the guys thought harry was cute and the others thought he was hot. But at the end they all were thinking about ho he's make the perfect boy toy. So it was no surprise that when Harry looked up, everyone was staring at him. a few winked at harry, one of them being jared. So harry looked back down, he really didn't feel safe here. He needed louis because who knew what they were going to do to him especially jared who Harry got surprised for seeing him with nick's gang.

"can i go back up to the room?" Harry asked quietly trying to think of a way to run away.

"sure but i'm coming with you" nick said and harry nodded but he silently groaned.

Nick followed harry up the stairs but still had a tight grip on his arm. when they got the room harry was kept in before, nick roughly pushed harry in and locked the door. Harry heard nick walk away and he sighed. Harry needed to get out of here right now.


Back home, louis was sitting in front of the turned on tv. He couldn't help but to think of harry and how this was his favorite tv show. Louis missed harry so much. He missed his laugh, his kiss, his hug, his smile. Louis missed everything about Harry.

but now louis was back to where he started before. lonely.

Louis felt tears slowly make their way down his cheek. He wiped them away because he knew they would find harry. all he needed to do was to find nick first, and if louis was not mistaking, nick had a facebook.

Louis walked over to his computer and sat down in the chair. He logged in to facebook and looked him up. But he couldn't find him. Louis swore under his breath and logged out.

how was he going to find harry now? He didn't even know what kind of cars nick drove. this was actually going to be harder than louis thought, but he was willing to do whatever it took him to find harry and he wouldn't stop looking until he had harry back.

Taken - [Larry stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now