chapter 27

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Nick couldn't believe harry called louis! then he thought he could get away with it. Harry had to pay the price for what he did. he deserved it. maybe next time he'd think before he did something else like that.

Nick walked out and went up to his room, he shut the door and flopped on his stomach on the bed. He looked up and saw that it was almost midnight. And damn it had been a long day. the last time he checked the time it was around one of the afternoon.

Nick flipped over on his back and stared at the ceiling. then all of a sudden it hit him. louis could trace the call. But he got relaxed because louis wasn't that smart anyway. He chuckled at his stupid thought and closed his eyes. in a couple of seconds he was fast asleep.


when harry woke up, he was in a different room. He slowly got up hoping he would be able to sneak out. He hissed in pain as soon as he stood but he walked to the door anyway. the door swung open nearly hitting harry in the face. He fell backwards and looked up. There stood jared with an evil smirk on his face.

Jared looked down at harry and frowned, "hey, trying to escape?" he said shaking his head.

Harry got up to run out but jared caught him and wrapped his arms around harry. Jared threw harry down on the bed and then walked to door, locked it and came back to Harry.

"you're all mine now" jared said kissing Harry.

Harry kept wiggling under him and tried his hardest to push him off. But jared grabbed harry's hands and pinned them over his head and then started jutting his teeth tightly in harry's earlobe. it gave harry a shooting pain to his head, giving him an instant headache. then kissing harry's jaw, then jared started moving down and kissing harry's nick. after a while he stood up and took off his shirt then took off harry's too. he started kissing harry's chest then all the way down his stomach.

Harry tried everything to make him get off of him but it was useless. "stop" harry said on the verge of tears.

Jared didn't listen and slowly made his way down to harry's pants. he started palming harry over his pants while sucking on his nipples, but it was nothing pleasurable it was disgusting and making harry sick. Jared stopped kissing and touching harry's body, then started to pull slowly harry's pants down with his boxers.

"stop!" Harry yelled now sobbing.

Jared got up to take his off, so harry took this as a chance to run away, but jared caught him before he unlock the door and threw him harshly on the bed. They were now both naked and harry was totally sobbing. Harry did his best to look away from jared but harry's wide eyes couldn't ignore jared's boner, pointing upwards to his stomach, looking desperate for attention. Harry felt his stomach drop. no. anything but this.

Jared got back to bed and hovered over harry. he leaned both his hands around harry's head, caging him from moving. Harry felt sweat began to gather around his neck despite the cold air in the room. Harry pinched his eyes shut, desperate to disappear.

Jared wrapped his hand around his length, pumping himself with anticipation. Harry tried to say something, anything.but all he could do was pant. pant with fear. frozen with fear. Jared smiled devilishly at Harry.

"suck" jared ordered pointing down at his dick.

" jared. please" harry whimpered, tears falling steady from his eyes.

"i swear. you cry more than a fucking new born baby" jared scoffed, rolling his eyes. "now you better fucking suck" he yelled out, pulling harry toward his dick by his hair.

Harry knew better than to fight. He just had to do what he had to do. He had to ignore the fact that his bits of dinner from earlier were starting to rise in his throat. Harry realized his lips were still closed, making him look like he was defying jared's orders.

"now!" Jared screamed impatiently. he slammed harry's throbbing head backwards against the bed's headboard, slamming himself into harry's mouth. Harry chocked and coughed, unable to move as jared fucked his face. Jared's fingers were woven in harry's hair, his tight grip refusing to let up. Harry was trapped. Jared continued to please himself, using harry as his sex toy.

Jared thought nothing of harry, ignoring his slobbery and chocked out cries for him to stop. he worked faster and harder, hitting the back of harry's throat, tempting harry's body to throw up. he hit harry's gag reflex over and over, and the pain started to become too much. Harry kept his eyes pinched shut, letting the hot tears gaze his hollowed cheeks. Harry finally dared to look up at jared, a short peek. Harry wanted to know if he was close. because he just wanted this to be over. Harry met jared's eyes for a flash of a second. he was grinning obviously pleased with himself. it's almost like he got off on harry's misery.

much to harry's dismay, jared didn't look finished. finally this was verified for harry as jared yanked himself from harry's mouth leaving him coughing and gagging.

jared leaned into harry, laughing to himself as he grabbed harry's dick which was 100% limp. what kind of a sick bastard would get excited over abuse. Jared continued to palm harry, biting and sucking his nick and shoulders roughly. Harry became numb as a defense. and he kept shutting his eyes, telling himself it'd be over in no time.

suddenly harry was flipped over to completely lay on his stomach. "spread yourself" jared ordered coldly behind harry who didn't move. big mistake.

"Fucking shit!" his hand came down on harry's ass cheek. it hit so hard that harry screamed out. "i said. fucking spread yourself" jared ordered again, pushing the back of harry's neck so he was hunched over. Harry had no choice, he placed his hands on either side of himself, giving himself to jared. Harry's cries were now vocal, no longer silent tears.

"Ahh!" Harry Screamed as he felt jared completely pushed his dick into him. the only 'lube' being used was the tiny trace amount of spit harry had left on jared's length, which was partically nothing.

Harry gritted his teeth together as he felt him nearing an end, ready to release into him.

Harry had to get out of this. He needed help. He immediately thought of louis as jared spilled out into him with force. louis saw all the marks he made on himself and he cried. he forced him to begin to heal. he made harry start to heal. he held him and took care of him. he was compassionate. concerned. he loved harry. jared pulled out of harry and laid down next him and within seconds he was asleep.

Harry felt disgusting and sick, he felt useless and wasn't even able to move. so he laid still on the bed, his head full of thoughts of louis.

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