chapter 14

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after dinner harry asked louis if they could go to the park. at first louis said no but after Harry gave him his famous pouty puppy face, he gave in."fine. let me get my jacket"

"yay thank you" harry cheered pecking louis lips. Louis went upstairs. when he came back down he had his vans and denim jacket on. he grabbed harry's hand. "we're going to the park, be back later" Louis shouted so the others could hear him.

as soon as they stepped outside the house, the cold late night air hit harry's face and he shivered.

"cold?" louis asked and harry nodded. Louis wrapped his arms around harry and pulled him closer to his side. his body was so warn, harry could have stayed like that forever.

when they got to the park, there were a couple of teenagers there but they were on the other side of the park. and luckily for harry, not on the swings. Harry ran to the swings, louis walked over and sat down next to him. "you know what " louis said

"what?" Harry asked looking at him.

"we haven't had our first date yet" louis said. Harry stopped and thought for a minute, "you're right"

"well, then would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow at 7?" louis asked while looking down shyly at his fingers.

"i would be delighted to" harry said smiling. Louis smiled back. "excellent. i can't wait"

"so what you got planned?" Harry asked louis feeling curious about their first date

"that is for me to know and you to wonder about" louis said shrugging. Harry fake glared at him. "you know i hate surprises"

"yes. that's why it is a surprise" louis said chuckling

"meanie" harry said turning away from him. "aw baby don't be mad" louis said while getting up and wrapping his arms around harry's waist. Harry giggled and looked up at him. Louis smiled and looked down at Harry.

"i can't stay mad at you" harry said and louis' smile got even bigger and he closed the gap between him and Harry.

"awww" the two boys heard a couple of people say. They turned around and saw the teenagers from earlier. they were 3 girls and looked around 13.

"you make a cute couple" one of then shouted out. "thank you" louis thanked he and harry blushed. the girls giggled, nodded and then walked away.

"babe, i think we should go home now" louis said to Harry who nodded and asked Louis to carry him. Louis smiled and said "anything for you curly".

Even though harry was almost the same height as louis, louis still picked harry up. Harry wrapped his legs around louis' waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of louis' neck, and louis walked home carrying Harry like that.


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