chapter 23

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Nick roughly grabbed harry's arm, his nails dug into harry's skin making him whimper in pain.

"come on. you need to meet the rest of the gang" nick said, practically dragging harry down the stairs. jared and stan slowly trailed along.

"trash, sander, storm, drew! get down here!" jared shouted.

the guys ran in. "what?" slander asked

"this is harry. he's going to stay here for a while. but someone must watch him at ALL times" nick said his grip tightened on harry's arm. he whimpered, there's definitely going to be marks there.


louis sat there staring at the clock, it was 8 PM.

harry hadn't even been gone for a day and louis is already losing his shit. He thought that maybe if he turned on some music it's help calm him a little bit.

Louis walked over and turned it on. of course the first song that came on the shuffle had to be when you're gone by avril lavigne.

listening to this song wasn't helping at all. It made louis think of harry even more. the next song was lighters by bruno mars and eminem.

none of these songs helped louis to get harry off of my mind. and honestly Louis didn't think anything could distract him from harry until he's having harry safe in his arms again.


Downstairs the boys were still gathered "i feel so bad. this is all my fault" zayn said to liam.

"shh baby, no it's not" liam said for the millionth time.

"yes it i. i should have been watching him more closer" zayn said. Feeling guilty as fuck. "and who knows what they've done or are doing to him"

Liam stood up took zayn in his arms hugging him. "it's okay. everything is going to be okay. we will find him" he said rubbing circles on zayn's back to sooth him.

Zayn hugged him back. "i love you so much" zayn whispered in Liam's ear. "i love you too" liam said back.

Zayn just needed to think positively because like liam and niall said, they will find Harry.

Taken - [Larry stylinson]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum