chapter 10

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When harry woke up in the morning he looked at the clock, it read 10 am. He only had 2 hours until he had meet jared and he still had to ask the lads. He groaned at the thought of getting up. He didn't want to get up, he was too comfy.

He pulled the covers off and threw his legs to the side of the bed hanging over. when he stood, he fell on the carpet because even his legs weren't up. He kicked them several times until he could feel the blood rushing through them again.

He crawled to the bathroom, put his hands on the counter and looked in the mirror at himself. And he definitely needed to fix his bed head because it looks more like a bird nest.

Harry then jumped into the shower and turned it on. He washed his body the. His hair and when i was done, he went back to the room. He picked out his clothes and put them on. after harry made sure he looked representable, he went downstairs and saw that everyone was up. He looked at the time and saw it was 10:30 am.

The first thing harry did was walking up to louis.

"hey babe" louis said pecking harry's lips.

"hey" harry answered smiling. "can i ask you a favor?" Harry asked innocently and Louis nodded for him to go on.

"I want to go to the park to hang out with jared and i hope that that is okay with you." Harry said.

"who is jared?" louis asked raising an eyebrow. "the guy that was at the mall last night" was Harry's answer and Louis didn't hesitate or even think for a second before his answer came out. "No" Louis said strictly.

"why not" Harry asked crossing his arms. "for 2 reasons." Louis answered and then pulled up one finger "1 because i don't know him very well." Louis then added a second finger to show he was going to state reason number two. "2 because nick and stan are still after you"

"well what if someone comes with me?" Harry asked hoping Louis would agree. " no one can. we have another meeting today and everyone has to be there"

"i don' remember?" liam said walking in "and i would be more than happy to take him to see jared" he added. Harry looked at louis, he could tell that the real reason for louis saying no was that he didn't want harry to hang with jared.

"pleeeeeeease" harry said while pouting.

"fine" louis gave in with a sigh. "but i need to have a small conversation wit liam. Alone." Harry nodded and walked out the kitchen. Once harry was out, louis walked up to liam.

"watch him carefully. I don't trust that jared. also i think he likes harry" Liam nodded. "oh and keep an eye out for nick and stan. i've heard stan has joined nick's gang so beware" louis added.

"alright" Liam said.

"well we better get going, Zayn! niall! let's go" louis called for the other boys and they came in where he was. "go out to the car, i will be there in a minute" they nodded and went out.

"harry come here." Louis called for harry who came into the kitchen once again. Louis walked over to Harry and put his hands on harry's shoulders. Louis looked him in the eyes and said "i have to go to the meeting, i will be back tonight around 6. be good. i love you"

"i love you too" harry said in his cute raspy voice. Louis gave him a chaste kiss and then left.

"where are you and jared going?" liam asked. "the park" harry answered.

"okay. and what time ?" Liam asked and Harry told him he should be there at midday.

"ok so we have an hour until then. what do you want to do ?" Liam asked Harry.

"ummm, i don't know. can't we- Wait a minute! how about we play mario cart!" Harry said excited.

liam chuckled "okay" they ran upstairs to liam's room. Liam went over to the shelf where he keeps his wii games. he pulled out mario cart and put it in. Harry picked yoshi and liam picked donkey kong.


"so unfair" harry shouted as he threw the controller on the ground. He raced over 12 races against liam and lost all of them.

"loser" liam said doing the loser sign at Harry.

Harry glared at him in a joking way and liam smiled "aww come on don't be mad"

"fine" harry huffed and checked the time. "we got to go it's 12" harry said and liam nodded. The two boys went downstairs and out the house door.


next update will be when it gets 12 votes. need 2 more votes :)

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