Chapter 69

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Louis looked at harry. And thought about harry's request. Harry wanted to go back to school?

"why?" Louis asked harry while sitting properly on the bed and harry shrugged.

"i don't know. i never finished my studies and i want to go back, even though i hated it, i still want to finish my high school years" harry replied. and this time it was louis' turn to shrug.

"sure. i guess if you want to, then why not" louis said.

"really?" Harry beamed.

"yes" louis said smiling.

"are you going to attend school with me too?" Harry asked Louis.

"if you want me to, then again why not" louis answered still smiling.

"yes! yes i want you to" harry jumped on louis and crushed him in a hug while repeating 'thank you' again and again. Louis laughed and hugged Harry back.

when harry pulled back from the hug, he sat next to Louis.

"what about everyone else?" Harry asked.

"i don't know about the boys but i don't think lucas can" louis answered and harry frowned then grinned evilly.

"you know that we actually can lie about his age, right?" Harry said.

"or, we can say he got held back" louis suggested.

"yes. i guess that one can work too" harry shrugged.

"come on then, let's go tell them our decision and see what they'll do" louis said and they climbed out of bed and went downstairs.

everyone was sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"hey guys" louis said sitting down in a chair and pulling harry into his lap. "so, harry and i have decided to go back to school" louis informed everyone.

"what!" niall asked surprised. "what do you mean by going back to school?"

"he means we're going back to school to continue our studies, and i was wondering about if you guys want to go back with us too" harry said.

"hell no" niall said while the rest said "sure why not"

"what the fuck guys. come on i hate school" niall groaned.

"come on niall, it'll be fun to attend school together and to actually finish our studies" liam said.

"no, lucas tell them how it's a bad idea" niall said turning to lucas.

"i actually think it's a good one, sorry babe" lucas answered and niall groaned again. "but don't you think i am a little bit old to attend school" Lucas asked harry while laughing.

"yes, but we can say you got held back" harry answered and lucas nodded.

"i still think it's an awful idea" niall said crossing his arms like a child.

"i'll be there with you niall, please" lucas said using his charm.

"ugh, fine!" niall finally agreed which earned him a kiss from lucas.

"great then" harry said clasping his hands together. "louis, can you go to school tomorrow and enroll us?" harry asked me.

"yes, anything for you buttercup" louis winked at harry which made him slap louis' head while laughing.

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