Chapter 38

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"have you found him yet?" Louis asked running to the rest of the boys.

"no." zayn answered.

fear started to crawl in louis veins and he couldn't help but think of what happened last year and how could he lose harry again.

"found him!" Louis heard liam yell, pointing toward something.

Louis looked over and saw harry. He ran over to harry and scooped him up into a hug.

"don't you ever just disappear like that. don't you ever do that again to me. do you hear me?" Louis said with his face in the crook of harry's neck.

Louis was still hugging harry tightly, so he couldn't see him but louis could feel him nodding. Louis let go of harry slowly and they turned to the guy who came with harry that louis just took notice of.

"umm Louis, this is my brother lucas" harry said. what the actual fuck?

"brother? i didn't know you have one" louis asked confused by the new information.

"yeah. neither did i" harry said a little bit unsure himself. Louis nodded and turned to Lucas.

"so, Lucas, you're harry's brother?" Louis asked even though he was just told the answer to that question.


"and may i ask how old are you?" Louis asked plastering the most fake smile on his face.


"and your favorite color?" Louis know he was pushing it and being annoying as fuck for no apparent reason but oh well he didn't care.

"red." Lucas answered raising an eyebrow wondering where louis was going with his questions. but louis kept going and being an annoying fuck anyway.

"your sexuality?" Louis asked smirking a little bit.

harry reached over punching him in the arm "don't ask him that Louis! it's not polite", harry then turned to lucas and gave him an apologetic smile.

"what. i'm just curious." Louis said shrugging.

"it's okay. i'm gay" lucas said. isn't there anyone straight around or what.

"hey louis?" harry said.


"can lucas come stay with us please?" harry asked while pouting his bottom lip more than it already is. And shit, Louis knew he couldn't say no to that.

Taken - [Larry stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now