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OMG guys, i can't believe this book is done now.

i started writing it out of boredom, and i remember how it used to only have 2 reads and i've never thought that this book would get any more than 100 reads. but look at it now it almost has 15K reads. And this is so fucking amazing and i can't thank you enough.

thank you so much to everyone who started reading this book from the start and continued till the end. thank you to everyone who voted and commented (i see every vote and every comment). and thank you to those who didn't but still read it.

concerning this book,

i'm going to start editing it as soon as i can, but, it won't be anything major. just the spelling mistakes or grammatical error, and i'llmake it a 3rd POV book because as you all see, it has a lot of POVs and it becomes a little bit annoying.

so you don't have to re-read the book when i edit it and you don't even have to keep it in your library. but feel free to keep it or re-read if you want to.

i'll also start posting in "heavenly" as soon as i can, so you probably should check it (it will mean so much to me), and also you can check my other book, the one i was writing with taken, "in a different light"

and anyway. thank you so much guys, you're the best.

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