chapter 12

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After the finished their ice cream, they went back to the park. it was about 2 pm and they didn't have to be back home until around 5.

"so now what?" Harry asked looking at the other two boys.

"how about we hit the arcade?" liam suggested.

"awesome. that sounds fun" jared said excited."how far is it?" he added.

"about a 20 minutes walk" liam answered. "okay le's go"

the walk took them 20 minutes as liam said. when they arrived they walked in. It wasn't just an arcade, it had a roller rink too. once they paid they went to get the skates. once harry found his size, he walked over to the side and waited for liam and jared.

while he was waiting , he put his skates on. once liam and jared got their skates they walked over to where harry was standing. they put theirs on and walked on to the skating floor. Liam and jared had roller blades, harry could have had them too but he never learned how to go without them on each side. even though harry know how to use them, he still held on to liam and jared. as people passed they stared at them strangely.

after a while of skating, they went to the arcade side. They got their coins and harry walked over to the pinball machine and inserted a coin. the balls rolled down and he picked one up. He threw it and it landed in a 100. He got a 75 on his second try then back up to a 100 again.

after he was done he pulled out his tickets, he had around 30 of them from just that one game. He walked over back to liam and jared. "hey munchkin" liam said messing up with harry's hair.

"stop" harry said swatting liam's hand away. Liam chuckled and stopped. "so what's up?" he asked.

Harry looked up and said "the ceiling" then giggled a little bit on his own silly joke. "really dude?" liam groaned

"better believe it" harry said and liam rolled his eyes. "what time is it?" Harry asked

"umm hold on" liam said reaching into his pocket. "it's 4. which means we have one more hour" liam said putting his phone back in his pocket.

"be right back, i have to use the bathroom" liam got up and walked away leaving jared and harry by themselves.

jared got up and moved really close to harry which made him scoot over. but jared once again moved closer to him so he moved back but this time fell off of the bench or whatever they were sitting on.

"babe are you okay?" jared asked harry helping him up.

"yeah. i'm fine but don't call me babe" harry told him because it was weird coming out from anyone else than louis. "why not?" Jared asked

"because i'm with louis" or at least that's what harry hoped.

"so what? what he doesn't know won't hurt him. right?" Jared said while smirking and moving closer to Harry again.

"i don't care. i love him and i'm not a cheater" harry told him in an angry tone and reached to stop him from getting any closer.

"whatever you say babe" jared leaned in to kiss harry but harry was pushed by someone from behind him. He turned around and saw a beyond pissed off liam.

"you heard him. he said he is taken, so fuck off" liam growled.

jared smirked again, got up and dusted himself off. "that's fine. i'll be back" and with that he walked away.


next update when it reaches 20 votes so i need 5 more votes. and i will be nice if you guys comment and tell me what you don't like so i can make it better :)

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