chapter 3

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Warning: This chapter can be a trigger for some. Please please, if you get triggered easily, please don't read it. Stay safe everyone.

When louis and harry finished their lunch, they sat down in the living room watching family guy. Harry was thinking about how he likes this show. Harry let out a sigh because the show wasn't the only thing he liked, he was really starting to like Louis. yes he didn't even know him fir a day but Louis was kinda sweet, caring and much more. Harry looked at Louis contemplating if he should ask him questions to know more about him or not. "hey Louis?" Harry said to get Louis attention.

"yeah?" Louis turned to face Harry instead of the tv.

"Tell me a little bit about yourself" Harry said. Louis chuckled and asked Harry "what do you want to know?"

"I don't know" harry thought about any question to ask the other boys "what's your favorite color?" Was the first thing that came to his mind.

"Green." Louis answered while looking at Harry's eyes. Harry blushed because his stare was intense. "What is yours?" Louis then asked.

The boys were still gazing at each other's eyes. Louis' eyes were so blue, bluer than the sea and bluer than the morning sky. You could see some green in it. Louis' eyes were simply beautiful. Harry never had a favorite color but looking at Louis' eyes from this close he couldn't help but answer "blue. My favorite color is blue." Louis chuckled which made Harry come out of his trance. Harry cleared his throat and looked back at the tv in hope Louis wouldn't see the way he's blushing.
After Harry took a breath and calmed himself, he went back to asking louis questions.

"How old are you?" Louis was so petit and everything about him was so small that you can't easily tell his age. But Harry can guess he was older than himself. "19. And you?" Louis asked.

"I'm 17. Who is your favorite singer?" Harry asked Louis. Louis groaned and asked "do i have to answer this question?". Harry chuckled. "Now you got me curious, so yes you have too"

Louis sighed but answered anyway "the fray" he said while hiding his face with his hands. Harry laughed because the he'd have never guessed this would be Louis' answer. With Louis' tattoos and his bad boy look.

Louis groaned and looked at Harry. "Are you done laughing now" Louis said sassily. "Okay, okay. I'm done now" Harry said but he was still laughing. Louis gave him a faked angry look. "I'm sorry" Harry said trying his best to stop laughing.

"What's yours then. Justin Bieber?" Louis asked mockingly. "Actually. Mine are the rolling stones" Harry said pointing at the rolling stones t-shirt he was wearing even though it was Louis'. "Now you really made me feel bad" Louis said with a sigh.

Harry remembered something Louis said earlier, "what did you mean when you said you're in a gang" he asked.

"The boys you just met and i are in some kind of gang, we don't steal or kill or anything." Louis explained. "You just kidnap people." Harry joked. "Yes that" Louis laughed. "And you want me to join?" Harry asked hesitantly. "Yes, i mean if you want to that's sure" Louis answered. "Do i have to train on something?" Harry was trying to get a lot of information before giving Louis his answer. "Do you know how to use a gun?" Louis asked. "A gun!!" Harry almost yelled from being shocked.

Louis laughed at Harry's reaction. "Calm down i was joking" Harry sighed from relief. "But i take that reaction as a no" Louis continued. "Definitely no. Why would i know how to use a gun" Harry said. "To protect yourself maybe" Louis said shrugging. "From what?" Harry asked. "I don't know. I'm talking in general. I actually know how to and i can teach you if you want to"

Taken - [Larry stylinson]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora