Chapter 71

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When the boys got to school, harry's breath quickened. Louis turned to him and put both of his hands on harry's shoulders.

"harry listen to me. everything is going to be okay, no one is going to hurt you" louis said and harry nodded frantically. Which made louis sigh.

"come on" louis hopped out of the van and harry stared at the school. it was huge! Harry thought about how he was going to get lost a lot.

louis grabbed harry's hand. "let's go to the office". Harry nodded and followed him.

when they got there, there was a woman sitting at the front desk. she looked up from whatever she was doing.

"hi. how can i help you?" she asked smiling.

"umm, we're new here" louis said.

"okay. wait a second" she reached into the files and pulled some papers out.

"are you two louis and harry?" The two nodded. "here you go then" she said handing them out their time tables. They thanked her and walked out.

"what's your locker number?" louis asked peeking at harry's list.

"157. yours?" Harry asked back.

"208. we aren't that far apart" louis said.

"yeah, but far enough" harry said and louis smiled.

"it's okay, we have to be strong" louis faked a sniffle and wiped his imaginary tears.

"only for you babe," harry said and winked to louis which earned him a laugh from louis.

"okay i'm going to go to my locker" harry said.

"okay, love you" louis kissed Harry.

"love you too" harry said back while walking away.

when harry got to his locker, he set his stuff on the ground and sprinted up. He looked at his locker's combo and put it in. but the locker didn't open up. He tried again, but still noting happened. what the hell? He tried for the third time and still in vain.

"open you little shit!" Harry groaned and kicked his locker. He heard someone laughing beside him.

"need some help?" the boy who was laughing asked and harry nodded while blushing because he must've looked so stupid.

They boy walked over and put his hand on the spinner.

"what's your combo?" he asked Harry.

"0-54-36" harry answered. he put it in and got it to open from the first try. Harry smiled and thanked him.

"no problem, i'm brad by the way" brad said.

"Harry" harry gave him a smile and put his stuff in his locker.

"what's your schedule?" Brad asked. Harry handed it to him and his eyes' lit up.

"we have all the same classes together!" Brad said excitedly.

"cool" harry said while smiling. He thought it was actually nice to have someone he kind of knew with him.

"come on. let's go. i'll show you the way" harry closed his locker and followed brad.


Niall smiled as he opened his locker, mine was next to liam's because they were both in the same grade. same with louis, zayn and lucas. But niall didn't know where harry's was though.

As Niall shut the locker after he grabbed what he needed, louis walked up to him.

"hey man" louis said.

"hey louis" niall answered.

"have you seen harry?" Louis asked looking around with his eyes trying to catch a sight of Harry.

"yeah, i saw him walking with this guy" niall said shrugging.

"oh" was all louis replied with. Niall and louis stood in silence for a little bit.

"well, i better get to class" louis said walking away.

"okay, love you!" Niall shouted and louis laughed and shouted a "i love you too". Niall turned and walked to class.


Louis sat down by harry, putting his arm around harry's shoulder which made Harry smile and blush. Louis chuckled and looked ahead as the bell rang.

Louis looked at harry, but he was passing notes to the boy next to him. And louis thought that this must be the boy niall was talking about, he looked the same age as louis. Louis looked down at the notebook in front of him and frowned. He was starting to get irritated and he couldn't wait for the day to be over.


"so now, how are we supposed to get him back?" nick asked matt.

"i don't know, but we have to" matt growled.

"i have an idea" nick said.

"what is it?" Matt asked him.

"we have to capture everyone else first" nick said while smiling evilly.

"good idea" matt told nick. "so when do we go with the plan?" he asked.

"soon. but let's wait for now" nick answered.

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