chapter 6

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Beep...Beep...Beep. what was that beeping noise? As soon as Harry opened his eyes all he could see was white. He looked over and saw zayn sitting on a chair with liam by his side. niall was sitting next to them too. He looked to his other side, Louis was sitting next to him with his head on the bed and holding harry's hand.

they were all sleeping. it looked like they had been crying. Harry sat up a little bit causing louis to wake up. Louis stretched and looked at harry. his eyes widened as soon as he realized that Harry woke up.

"harry! are you okay? why would you do that? you had me-" Louis freaked.

"i'm fine" Harry said with a smile to try and convince Louis that he is in fact fine. Louis let out a sad sigh. "good. why did you do that ?" Harry could see how much this hurt Louis and he felt guilty for hurting him.

"i don't know" Harry said in a low voice. And it was the truth. He didn't know why he cut. He just felt too much bad feelings that he wanted a release. And cutting was his only kind of relief.

"harry, please i need you to promise me one thing. only one" Louis pleaded.

"depends on what it is". Harry didn't want to promise him something that he couldn't do.

"i need you to promise me you will stop cutting. you almost died and i wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened. so please harry, i'm begging you promise me you will stop. I'll help you. I'll always be there no matter what. But please promise me harry" louis was fully begging harry now and harry could easily see how sincere he was so he couldn't help but nod.

Louis sighed in relief causing liam, niall and zayn to wake up.

"harry you're awake !" liam yelled. the doctor heard him and came to the room.

"ah Mr.styles i see your up. you may leave anytime you want and your clothes are in the bathroom. don't worry they have been washed".

"Okay thank you". The doctor gave Harry a smile then walked out of the room. "can i leave now?" Harry asked louis.

"yeah. come on guys" louis said walking out of the room to give harry privacy to put his clothes on. Harry got up and walked into the bathroom, got dressed and walked out of the room. Harry wasn't paying attention so he ran into louis, louis rubbed harry's arms causing him to blush and he heard louis chuckle. They walked out of the hospitals together.

it was dark outside and harry realized that he must've been there all day. When they got to the car liam was in the driver seat, zayn was next to him and niall was behind liam. Harry climbed in next to him and louis sat next to Harry.

"what time is it ?" Harry asked "it's 8 om. why?" Louis answered.

"I'm a little bit hungry and was thinking to drive by burger king on our way back. I mean if that's okay with you." Harry said to louis hopping he will agree.

"sure i'm hungry too" louis said and everyone nodded.

when they pulled into burger king, louis got out and held the door open for harry and held his hand out for harry to grab which harry gladly did. All five walked in and sat down on a table.

"who's going to order?" zayn asked. They all looked at liam.

"ugh, why do it always have to be me?" liam asked after noticing that they all were looking at him. "because you're the strongest" Niall answered.

"actually louis is" liam said looking at louis.

"yeah but i want to stay with harry and you're the second strongest" louis told liam smugly.

"fine" liam huffed and got up.

"what do you guys want and don't say one million dollar" liam said looking at harry who smiled at him. Everyone told liam his order and he walked off to the counter.

Louis watched Liam walk and while turning his gaze to Harry something caught his eyes. He kept looking at this guy sitting in front of them, he could've sworn that the guy looked just like nick. He decided he needed a better look because he couldn't see him properly from the 3 other guys he was with. if only he would turn his head so louis could get a good look. Louis looked at the guy next to him. And shit!

Louis put my arm around harry and pulled him close, everyone looked at him curiously. Louis pointed over at nick, they looked over and nodded. niall got up and sat on the other side of harry. when liam came back they sorted out the food, louis told him about nick and he nodded.

They were in the middle of eating when nick got up. he was about to leave when he saw louis, he smirked and told his friends or gang something. they nodded and walked out. he walked over to louis and the latter tightened his grip on harry.

"hey louis, what's up" nick asked with the most devilish grin.

"what do you want nick ?" Louis growled.

"nothing. i just wanted to see what my little brother have been up to. who's this?" Nick said pointing to Harry.

"that's Harry and do not even think about touching him" louis said threatening him.

"aw. why not? Your new toy boy is so cut" his smirk started to grow.

"he's not a fucking toy boy and i swear if you touch him i will kill you" louis yelled feeling his body boiling with anger.

"threaten all you want, i will have him soon and you won't be able to save him" he snarled and walked away. Louis glared as he walked away, he could feel harry shaking next to him.

"W-Who was that?" harry stuttered.

"that's my brother nick, he simply hurts anything that means something to me. that's why he said he's going to have you, but i won't let him hurt you. Not even come near you." Louis said holding harry's face in his hands so harry could see that he meant what he was saying. Harry nuzzled into Louis touch and nodded.

"can we go home now ?" harry asked Louis.

"yeah come on". Louis grabbed the food and throw it in the trash. when he came back he pecked harry's lips, put his arm around him and pulled harry close to him.

They walked to the car and sat the same way they did earlier. Louis thought about what happened and he really needed to talk to the lads.

Taken - [Larry stylinson]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें