Chapter 41

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Harry sat on Louis' lap as louis rocked him back and forth. He laid back in louis' chest as louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders, harry still have to tell him what lucas told me.

"louis?" Harry said sitting up properly.

"yeah babe?"

"i have to tell you something important, or i guess it's important. but i don't know how you'll react" harry said while intertwining his fingers together.

"what is it about?" Louis asked giving harry his full attention. Harry gulped not knowing how to tell Louis the news because if he's being honest he still was not sure about what lucas told him.

"i-i'm a v-vampire" harry whispered.

"what?" louis asked leaning forward a little bit trying to catch what harry said.

"i'm a vampire" harry repeated louder this time and louis starting laughing so hard.

"you're funny babe" louis said while still laughing.

"louis i'm not joking" harry said seriously trying to make louis believe him. Louis stopped laughing and looked harry in the eyes.

"yeah? and how is that?" Louis said being a little bit sarcastic

"i don't know. but lucas told me i am" harry replied starting to get mad because louis was not believing him.

"and may i ask how does lucas know?" Louis asked raising his eyebrow in a sassy manner.

"because he is one too" Harry huffed.

Louis grew quiet and looked down. "and you believe him?" Louis asked.

"why wouldn't i?" Harry got off of louis' lap and stood facing him.

"because harry there is no such a thing as vampires. this isn't some silly story. this is real life" louis said starting to get irritated.

"and how do you know that! what if there are real vampires out there. and what if i'm one of them" harry said, his voice starting to get louder.

"harry, calm down" louis said while standing and trying to reach for Harry.

"no louis. what if i am one" harry said while avoiding louis' touch. Louis grew quiet again. "would you still love me?" Harry asked and he surprised himself with how weak it came out.

Louis shot his head up at that and looked at Harry with soft eyes.

"baby of course i would still love you. why would i stop?" Louis asked taking a step forward toward Harry.

"because i am a monster and a freak". Harry said looking down at his feet.

louis didn't comment about the fact that harry used the present, he didn't comment about the fact that harry believed he was a vampire. he got closer to harry, put his fingers under his chin and lifted his head up so harry was looking into louis' eyes.

"you're not a monster harry or even a freak. even if you are really a vampire, or even if you were a real monster i would still love you. i don't care if you're a vampire, i always have and always will love you" louis told harry while intertwining their fingers together.

Harry smiled then leaned down and kissed louis passionately on the lips. when they pulled back harry looked deeply in Louis' eyes. "i love you." Harry said truthfully.

"i love you too" louis said hugging Harry.


"tag you it!" niall yelled poking lucas and running away.

Lucas smiled and starting chasing niall. Niall was little shorter than lucas so he got him in no time. Lucas grabbed niall's waist as they fell to the ground laughing.

Lucas laid niall on his back and crawled on top of him straddling him. Lucas' face was inches away from Niall's.

Niall looked from lucas' eyes to his lips then back to his eyes, wishing he would kiss him already. and as if lucas read niall's mind, in a matter of a second his lips were on Niall's.

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