Chapter 67

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Louis picked up riley's body and carried him to the hole he had dug, he then placed his body and pushed the dirt on top of him. when he was done he smoothed the dirt out.

"done?" lucas asked walking up toward louis who nodded back.

"is harry really gone?" Louis chocked out. lucas shook his head.

"no he just passed out" he answered.

"of fucking shit! thank god!" Louis said sinking to the ground in relief. lucas laughed.

"i know right. i don't know what i'd do if i lost him" lucas said and louis nodded in understanding.

"can i tell you a secret?" Louis asked him.

"yes sure" lucas answered.

"okay, come here then" louis ushered lucas to come closer to me, he walked over.

"okay, so. umm" louis stuttered.

"what is it, louis?" lucas asked not so patiently.

"god" louis chucked nervously. He took a big breath then started talking. "okay. so i was kind of thinking, to, you know, propose to harry" louis whispered.

"really!" Lucas' eyes widened comically.

"yes. but don't fucking slip and ruin this for me" louis warned him and lucas put his hands in front of him as if saying he wouldn't.

"have you told any of the other boys?" Lucas asked.

"no. not yet" louis shook his head.

"you should tell them though" he told Louis.

"i know. i will soon" louis assured him.

lucas talked again after a moment of silence, "do you think i should propose to niall?" he asked.

Louis looked to him with a surprise because fuck, he didn't expect them to be that serious.

Lucas kept looking at louis and louis realized lucas was waiting for his answer.

"i don't know lucas, are you that serious?" Louis asked him.

"yeah man, i think i'm in love with him. no i take that back, i'm sure i'm in love with him" lucas answered and louis gave him a smile.

"then, i don't see why not" louis told him with a shrug.

"i don't know, but do you think he will say yes? i the feelings may not be mutual, after all we've known each other only for a short period of time" lucas said.

"i bet the feelings are mutual." Louis reassured him. Lucas smiled and nodded. just then zayn walked up.

"while we're all talking about proposals, i think i'm going to propose to liam" zayn said.

"what the fuck guys! is this some kind of proposing season or something?" Louis said while laughing so hard because this just go really awkward so fast.

"shut up louis" zayn said.

"you were eavesdropping?" lucas asked zayn.

"yeah just a little" zayn shrugged.

"this is great! we can all have the wedding together" lucas said excitedly.

"okay i have an idea." Louis said. "you take niall somewhere, and you, zayn, take liam somewhere else and i'll stay here with harry" louis told them.

they both smiled and nodded.



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