chapter 22

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when harry woke up, he was in a room he had never seen before. He was on a bed. Hw slowly and quietly got up and tippy toed over to the door.

He tried to open it but it was locked. figures. He looked around and found a window.

He walked over and tried to open it. but it wouldn't budge. He took a chance and picked up a wooden chair then smashed it against the window. the chair broke but the window didn't even get affected.

Harry heard footsteps getting closer to the room he was in. He looked for a place to hide. The room wasn't so much so he ended up by crawling on his stomach and hiding under under the bed.

He tried to stay as quiet as he could, he peeked out and saw threw shadows on the other side of the door.

the door got opened and harry scotched back quietly. the three persons walked in. "where is he?" Harry heard a familiar voice ask. And he could easily recognize the voice. And it belonged to no other than stan.

"i don't know. look around. there's no way he escaped. he'sprobably just hiding" harry heard nick say.

"you're right, you check the closet, you check the bathroom and i'll check under the bed" jared said. And harry panicked but he fast tried scotching back farther.

He heard jared kneel down next to the bed and lift up the cover. Jared looked at harry and smirked. "i found him" jared shouted.

he grabbed harry's arm and dragged him out. "Hey!" Harry yelped and tried to get out of jared's grip but to no luck.

Jared stood up and pushed roughly on the bed. "did you think you could hide from us?" nick said walking towards Harry. Stan walked back in after a while. Harry shook my head no in fear. Harry didn't want to be a weak person but he was scared. So fucking scared and he couldn't stop thinking about where louis was. And how he actually needs Louis to come and get him.

"your little louis is home" nick said. And harry got startled because he probably voiced his thoughts without realizing it.

"what do you want from me?" Harry asked quietly.

"Nothing. We'll just keep you for a little bit. And you being the good boy that you are, you will do as we say when we say it" nick said while smirking. Harry's eyes widened and he silently prayed to god that Louis would find him soon.


so guys i've been curious, how did you find my story? through a friend? just randomly? usually when i'm bored i type whatever name in the search and i go through every story with that name until i find something i like.

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