Chapter 43

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Once harry went to bed louis called all the boys for a gathering. by 9:32 pm everyone was downstairs on the balcony.

Lucas and niall were sitting together, while Lucas' arm was around niall's shoulder, and niall's head on Lucas' shoulder. Louis raised an eyebrow while looking at niall who looked back and mouthed 'later'. Louis shrugged because he had more important stuff to talk about anyway.

"okay guys. nick is back, along with harry's parents who apparently have teamed up along with nick's gang" louis said while gazing at lucas because he still didn't fully believe what lucas told harry.

"they are back?! i'm not taking him to the park this time" zayn said while crossing his arms.

"i won't let him go out anyway. he's not leaving this house" Lucas said back.

everyone looked at him as if he's being a dramatic. "they are vampires" Lucas continued.

everyone fell in silence for a moment and looked at Lucas.

"who exactly is a vampire?" zayn asked.

"my parents" Lucas replied. "so are harry and I".

everyone was laughing now as if what Lucas said was the funniest shit ever. everyone except louis. because even if he didn't want to believe that this is true, he could clearly see lucas was not lying. his body was so relaxed, and his body language was obviously showing he was in fact telling the truth.

Louis sighed. "guys can you calm down for a little bit" louis said. the laughing got quieter and everyone's attention was on him again.

"i know it's hard to believe what he just said. hell i, myself, am not sure if i fully believe him or not. but, what if he's telling the truth. what if in some twisted way vampires are a real thing and as he said him and harry are ones. we're talking about harry's safety here. and i'd rather do everything i can to protect him and end up by look like a fool because Lucas here was lying, than having harry being hurt because we were reckless"

everyone went quiet for seconds then they all expressed their agreement. Louis nodded to Lucas as to tell him to continue what he was going to say.

"as i was saying,we're vampires. but they want harry not me. because harry, he has the strongest power amongst us all" Lucas informed everyone.

"we just, we have to do everything to protect him. i love him so much, and nick already hurt him once. i don't want this to ever happen again" louis said while sitting on the couch next to Lucas and niall.

"it's okay. but there's something you all should know. us, vampires are speed. and not your normal humans speed. they can take him in a blink of an eye and no one would even realize it before it's too late" Lucas said.

liam jumped from where he was sitting, "shit! who is watching him now?!" he asked. They all looked at each others in horror.

Louis hopped off the couch and ran upstairs, he could hear the others following him too. He started to panic because the closer he got to Harry's room door the quieter it became.

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