Chapter 50

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So here's an update because ready to run is LouisandHarry AF and it's so good and i'm actually happy because of it. so yeah. don't pay mind to me...

when harry woke up he was on a soft bed. He blinked his eyes not knowing how he got here. the last thing he remembered was that he was in the bathroom.

"Niall? Lucas?" He called out. Harry heard footsteps and then they both appeared into the room.

"harry, you're awake!" Niall said. he walked over to harry and hugged him.

"umm yea i am now. what happened?" Harry asked not really remembering what the hell happened after he went to the bathroom.

"we really don't know harry, we were hoping you would remember what happened to you" lucas said. "but anyway forget about it now, and get some sleep because you look tired." he continued.

Harry nodded and laid back down. they got up and left the room. He stared at the ceiling trying to remember what happened to him.

Harry heard a window smash open, he got scared and his first instinct was to sink into the blankets. He watched as the bathroom door opened. and a strangely familiar boy walked in. he looked around the room and when his eyes landed on harry he smirked.

"aw Harry, did you miss me?" the boy asked.

"who are you? and how the hell do you know my name?" Harry asked while feeling nothing but fear.

"you forgot about me already? well, i guess i will have to make you remember later". he walked over and threw harry over his shoulder.

"put me down you asshole! put me down!" Harry screamed and kept fidgeting.

"No. so fucking shut up now!" he ran over to the window and jumped out of it, not dropping Harry.

Harry kicked, punched and screamed but nothing worked. he ran into the woods up to other four boys.

"got him" the boy said.

"good job. here's the rope. tie him up" another boy said handing the rope to the one holding Harry.

"okay, but hold him down for me he's a fucking wiggler". he threw harry hard down on the hard ground as his friend crawled on top of harry. Harry groaned in pain, his head and back hurt from the hard ground and the boy on top of him was anything but light.

The boy tied harry's hands and feet tight together then gagged him. Harry couldn't move. He couldn't make a sound. and he could even barely breathe.

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