The sun to my moon - chapter 15°

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ps : you might get emotionel through out the whole chapter , read at your own risk :p



The sky looked like it's covered by a dome and the stars appeared to be closer. I noticed how fast the sky darkened highlighting the stars to appear . Its truly impossible to look beyond the captivating stars . So many stars and we still starve ..Taking into the sight of it , All is quiet , it helped me escape from reality , it helped me forget about the argument I just had with Thia   _The streets are crowded with cars ,trash and abandoned cats mew as I felt the coolness and the taste of breezy air.

_ it even helped me forget about Oliver who was now walking next to me , giving me the space he knows I needed . We were walking side to side , rambling the busy streets of Brooklyn Heights . Something I was so sure of , Oliver was the only person who could understand me without even thinking twice of judging me . I could poure my heart out to him all day ,and he'd be there listening without being done with my shit , no matter what state my heart is in . Those were the perks of being Oliver Forrest's best friend i guess , and I wanted more ..

 " I still can't believe what I just witnessed , never in my entire life have I imagined something like this would ever happen . I mean my little sister ?! " I exclaimed , my whole body shaking in anger

" Oh Come on , Alexis she's young , she's foolish . Let her live her life , it's not like you caught her taking dope or something-" Oliver says , as I give him a you-are-not-serious-look and then I made my way around him and kept on walking 

" you're not serious are ? I'm seventeen and you don't see me walking around having booze reviews , do you ? Who's side are you taking Oli ? "

" I'm on no one's side , trust me . But most of us , need a lot of coffee to start the day and a lot of booze to end it , plus it's the weekend , Alexis "

 " She's only fifteen , for crying out loud ! " I mean why would she come back home in that drunken state , what if one of my parents caught her instead , what woul've happened then

" Turning sixteen soon .. Wait for me .. god how can you walk that fast ! " he attacks me while wrapping both of his hands on my shoulders , stopping me from walking in further " Alright you need to listen to me now , I understand she's your little sister , she's young , you're protective of her , of course and her coming back home drunk wasn't doing her any favor , so relax it's not like you found her passed out in an alley ! See the first thing you're gonna do is talk to her and make this right , okay ? " 

 " yeah that could work I guess ... damn it , how can you always find the right thing to say ? " I say, making a frustrated sigh as I stare into his deep blue-green eyes , not taking my eyes off of them

" yeah that's because I'm Oli the almighty , but you're not giving me enough credit here , you know what will do ? " he smirks and I give him a confused look , while he points up at the neon sign above our heads of the tattoo shop

" a tattoo.. " and at the mere mention of it I burst out not being able to contain myself at his silliness , my laughter filling the air , as people around us gave me strange looks

" you're not serious ? If So thank you Oli , but no body arts for me , not now not even for the next fifty years "

" That's what you need , Alexis don't you get it ? I need to get you out of this routine you're sinking in , you need change , you need something different , something adventurous , bold and even a little dangerous . and the first step to it is a simple tattoo , so what'd you think ? "

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