You look like a homeless woman - chapter 28°

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@morecottoncandy made this new banner !! I love it, don't you ?

I think this is like the best chapter in I'm Eve's history so far, so much important stuff happens and things that will take the plot to where it's supposed to, so I'm pretty proud of it  !! 

Hii my beautiful readers and welcome again :)) ik ik, now don't throw rotten tomatoes at me 'cause ya know I do actually have a life outside of Wattpad xp

So this is my entry in the #Wattys15 and I'd really appreciate every vote and comment on each chapter, 'cause they count and ofc only if u think this story deserves it, so again vote and add to ur library hah and get ready for what's coming ;)) 

Happy reading :

" What .."

I think it's safe to say, that my heart was yet again thrumping so loudly, I swear aliens in space can possibly hear it.

Did he really just say what I think he said ? but then again, I don't think my mind's playing sick games on me this time

It's ironic really. After everything that happened, the things that I've been through, the things that I've done to keep this secret hidden from the people I cared about. All the lies and the acts I had to perform for the sake of Eve Mario, the work of eight months was now most likely and probably shattered in a matter of two seconds amid the hands of Oliver's nine year old brother

As the same questions came around; What did I do wrong ? Was I such a bad person ? Did I deserve this ? Why do I have to live through this kind of life ? A life where I have to dance between the truth and the lies to keep going , but mostly the second one as if it's a fort that could protect me from anything soul smashing.

Why can't I have a normal life like any other seveteen year old. A life like Bo, Mandy, Diane.. even Steve and maybe Oliver.

Well Oliver, not so much ..but yeah you get my point

I was aware of how much the universe despised me and blasted my existence but now I wad sure of it. Andy knew my secret and I don't know yet for how long, but I do know that I was finally exposed and I had to deal with it

" uhm wha-what did you just say ? ", I asked him with a tired sigh. I know I had to face this sooner or later, rather than running away like the faceless coward that I was

" I said, do you still love my brother ? " he said approaching me, his innocnet looking goo-goo eyes looking into mine

" uh no ..I meant,  uhm the thing right after that ..", taking two steps forward as I played a string of colourful curses under my breath embracing myself for what was coming

" Oh ! What do you mean Alex ? "

and right on the cue I heard gasps behind me. So I turned around feeling everyone's eyes  on me including my mom's and Thia's who both had their eyes wide probably from shock and that's how I fainted as everything around me took a shade of black

( a.n : nahh just playing with ya, the part in italic was just a prank now don't hate me I'm just trying to set the mood xpp now keep going babes ;))

" Oh ! What do you mean Alex ? "  

I tried to steady myself and not show my vulnerbality, but I was failing miserably at hiding it.

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