Breaking the bad boy's heart - Chapter 30°

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As silly as it sounds that pizza Gif put an end to my wacky writer's block, guys you should really try it sometimes preferably next to a one hour playlist of Mozart's greatest symphonies I gotta say it was pretty effective x'D, now before you start reading pls don't forget to check out my IMPORTANT author's note at the end of the chapter I spent a long time on it and now my back hurts lol ( ..notice how I wrote IMPORTANT in capital letters?? ) 'cause I'm classy like that *wink wink*

Oookay now happy reading :

Most people prefer one-way traffic, they think they are easier and faster for good driving circumstances, especially when you're in a rush. Well I was one of them. of course, until I found myself stuck in traffic next to a black van.

I mean Sunday traffics are the worst man, honestly where did all of these people come from..

I couldn't make out the driver's face because of the front windows, that were tinted in a shady black as well. But of course, that didn't down to the back of the car that was loaded with at least seven to nine; five year old kids. If I didn't know better. I'd say that the situation was a bit suspicious and undoubtedly my ever so pessimistic self immediately thought that the anonymous driver was gonna end up cutting them in pieces, shoving them in giant black bags and then selling their parts in the black market

God forbid,

Steve's car was a head of me by a few trucks and he was clearly oblivious to my stalking him for the past fifteen minutes, we've been going through never ending circles

Since I still have zero acces to my car, I had to borrow Oliver's who looked rather irritated and was determined to come along, claiming that he didn't trust me to go by myself and that he wasn't gonna push me and ask why I had to go after that jerk, his own words, of course before I turned him down and promised that I'll be back before he knew it.

As if my prayers have been heard, the cars fianlly started moving and a loud bang on my window suddenly marred my concentration. Stratled, I jerked my head to the left side only to have a giant banana split palming my face

the was going on ?

I was stalking Steve while being chased down by a bunch of monkeys in forms of tiny human devils. In no time, I was losing it as they kept throwing tiny packs of used bubble gum accompanied by a few bananas that thankfully ended up hitting the road once or twice in my failed attempt of dodging the van. The were enjoying it as they kept making grumpy faces while sticking their tongues out to me, I even saw one of them stick his bubble gum that was once in his mouth but not under his armpit and then throw it on my face.

Not wanting to lose any more of my focus I switched on the left indicator while tightening my grip on the steering wheel, there was no way I could make a U-turn or just turn to the other side of the road considering it was a one-way system and I couldn't see the window clearly anymore taking that it was covered by dozens of rainbow coloured gums

See now why I loathed kids ? Well expect for Andy of course.

You'd think that their van was driving itself. Honestly, I wanted so badly to see their driver's face, it's like attacking me was his life's mission. So having had enough of this ridiculous circus play, I stuck my left hand out of the window making sure to keep my eyes on the road while giving them murderous glares that followed with a giant middle finger.

If I'd known that that was all it took for them to turn pale and slowly back away, I would've done it sooner. They looked purely intimidated, interesting how many wonders the middle finger can make sometimes

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