My happy pills - Chapter 18°

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©Copyright 2015

ps : sorreh it took me two weeks to write this chapter but god I've been busy ,busy ,busy and BUSY but there u go now so I hope u enjoy it x

and don't forget to read the A.N at the end

It's been two days since Steve's visit and I haven't seen him since . Well it's not like we're not gonna see each other again in school , but I still don't know why I feel the need to see him now, then and everyday .Somehow that jerk always makes my day a lot better with his arrogant behaviour and quirkiness and he doesn't even have to try . I may even secretly like the pet names he calls me by even though I act like I don't like it ,well that's something he doesn't need to know about .

It's ridiculous ,I know but was I getting softy with him ? probably yes , so sue me..

The next day ,Bo ,Mandy and Diane payed me a visit at the hospital .They said they were missing me at school ,and that they can't wait for me to come back .Well at least that's what Bo declared .The other girls didn't speak a word the whole visit and let me tell you something .Diane may have been silent the whole damn time ,but that girl was giving me a look that made me question her coming in the first place .

I mean for god's sake ,giving murderous looks to a sick person isn't something you should consider .Well it's not like I'm sick now ,but still I was back then.

Her stares screamed ;you killed my mother ,my father ,my siblings ,my favourite pet ,my grandparents ,my great-grandparents ,my great great-grandparents and my whole flipping family ,So now I'm gonna kill you ...

They even told me that for the past few days Mr.Clarck was making their life a pure living hell as usual .He would shout at them for no reason , make rude remarks and he even took Oliver's pen once and crashed it under his feet ,again for no damn reason .Take a note : I'm now having a-major-evil-laugh moment while thinking about it and it feels really good , but seriously that guy has issues !

He probably didn't get laid for a while ,I mean he's a divorced man ,he could be having an affair with a seventeen year old minor for all I know .

Eww why am I even thinking about Mr.Clarck's sex life .I'm so weird sometimes ..Okay I should really stop overthinking everything ,Dr.House said it's not healthy .

" Welcome home ! " a voice brought me back to reality .It was Sue's

Home .

A simple word ,with thousands of meanings that could change a single person's whole perspective on life ... I wasen't home .

I didn't crack a word I couldn't ,Sue kept walking me up to my room and Jeff was right hand and flowers in the other. I didn't realize that we were actually back at the house and I was going back to school . Tomorrow ? maybe ? I seriously have no idea what day we are on .

As we got into my room , Sue kept talking and talking but I wasen't even listening to her ,my mind was somewhere else ,somewhere dark ,a place too dark for her and for anyone else for that matter. All of a sudden ,I felt Jeff patting me on the shoulder ,with a weak smile that didn't reach his eyes and then he left . With me and Sue only in the room ,that's when I was finally able to hear her say : " Here ,take them.."

" What are these ? " I asked ,my voice as hoarse as a giraffe's

" your pills Eve , you need to start taking them again " she said stretching her right hand towards me with the pills box in it

" There's no way in hell I'm gonna take these again ,I thought you realized by now that they have no damn effect on me ! " I snapped harshly

" Watch your language young lady and it's not your choice , you need to take them .The pills are the only way to heal you after what happened to you ,I can't bare seeing you like this anymore.." she said trying to keep her self calm but failing at it

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