She's your miracle - 33°

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As promised this chapter was uploaded a week after the double updates, I MEAN I'M FABBB


now happy reading :) :

°Oliver's pov°

There's something special and refreshing about taking a cold shower after an early morning run and then spending the rest of the day in clean sheets, accompanied with a full on marathon of watching Breaking Bad, even though I still have a lot of catching up to do.

Although life has been going as smooth as ever lately, thanks to a certain hazel eyed beauty, my mind has yet to process all the change that's been taking place in a time of a few months. From missing Alex, to the ass-kicking football practices, to graduation that was bound to happen really soon, to college and to her; I was losing it and guilt was eating at me.

the guilt of finding out that I started thinking less and less of her, the fear of realizing that maybe there'll come a day where I'll forget the sound of her laugh that always managed to bring a smile on my face or the way she braids her hair when she's about to do some brain storming, or just her homework and the simple feel of her pinkie intertwined with mine before the start of each of my games

but then again maybe Eve's words are true, maybe one day I would meet someone new and by then I would have moved on without even realizing it and maybe that's been going for a while now..

See but that's the thing though, spending time with Eve to the point where I can somehow call her my friend, has sparked really weird things inside me taht I was too intimidated to comfort them myself and I guess taht's one of the main reasons why I leaned in and kissed the life out of her lips on the day of my football game. I know that I'll forever regret doing it for the simple reason that the feel of her lips on mine brought back feelings I never thought I'd feel again, it left me breathless and wanting more and more of her

Being around Eve is weird but in a comforting way, it almost feels like being with Alex. Almost being the key word.

and I think that's where the guilt comes back because it hasn't even been a year since the loss of Alex, and I was somehow ready to share my heart with someone else other than her, preferably Eve..

I was aware of the mistakes I've made after a short period of the events of that day and the memories of women I, uhm, .. met through nuerous one night stands but I have no idea why was she such an exception.

I've always thought that I'll forever be miserable and hate the world not thinking that out there in the world, miracles happen everyday but they comes in shapes, levels and sometimes in human forms. I've come to realize that life deserved to be lived, that people come and go and that the world won't stop at your request if you keep moping around letting every tiny or big thing effect you

I've also come, to realize that people had stopped asking me why I changed,

why I don't smile as often,

why I don't laugh as much and why I'm not me anymore and I think I also stopped answering by 'she's gone'

I've also stopped wondering who was Oliver Forrest without Alex Stone.

I was drowning in my thoughts that I didn't notice how the episode was now skipping and how my mom had swiftly slipped into my room. She was leaning against my wall with a tray in her hand, while her eyebrows were furrowed in uttar concentration " I thought you'd be awake by now, I made cookies for Andy to take them with him to the park and I thought I'd put some for you "

I'm EVE حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن