A lady chilling in a shopping craft - chapter 26°

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MY GOD he's so BEAUTIFUL ⇑⇑⇑

Welcome to yet another chapter of " I'm Eve " an extra long chapter as a thank you for your support, so pls don't forget to vote/comment/share if u enjoyed it and leave me feedback 'cause I LOVE reading your comments, now you might wanna embrace yourself for what's coming *wink wink * , enjoy :

Steve's POV :

" Eve .. "

" Eve ! " It was probably the twenty-seventh time I called her name, since she ignored me and went to the second floor and of course I followed her like I always do. I never seem able to stay away from her..

She finally snapped out of whatever she was thinking as her doe hazel eyes met mine in a frown

" Wh..what ? "

" I'm sorry, did I just interrupt your staring into nothingness ? ", Eve seemed taken back by my sudden sarcastic tone, probably because only a few minutes ago, I was giving her the cold shoulder. Though, nothing was intenionally done, it just came out natrually

Knowing that the person I've been hanging out with for months,the person that I've somehow developped an interest in_ well I couldn't say feelings 'cause I don't even know what that is_ was adopted or at least that's what I thought, I was confused and I still am.

Now you might be wondering why I felt that way, well for starters, I thought we were .. friends or at least that's what she considered us to be the moment she rejected me when I first kissed her at the beginning of senior year. But now, that school's almost over, it's still literally impossible to take it off my mind

Everytime I wanted to re-do it, I just never seem to have enough balls and how her jaw drops while her eyes grow with passion everytime he was around, wasn't exactly motivating..

Taken by her reaction, I could almost swear that it felt like it was her first kiss, that one time I sealed my lips with hers on that chilly night in front of her house.

I didn't notice that I zoned out, until I saw her lips moving as she said " Well it's a bit hard to concentrate when you've been bombarding me with questions since we got here .. and oh my God Steve, did you see that lady ? "

" What lady ? "

" That lady that's been chilling in a shopping craft for god knows how long .. ", she said pointing at what seemed like a lady, probably in her sixties, sitting in a shopping craft indeed, and was eating a sack of Lays posing on her lap. As if she noticed us staring, the woman jerked her head in our direction, a disturbing look plastered on her face as she started waving at us

" Okay, let's get away from here " I swiftly took Eve's hand, making sure to ignore the tingles that crept through my entire body, while I pushed us to the grocery section

" Wait, did you see that creepy look on her face ? " I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest, as I said flatly " No Eve, I didn't see anything. Stop with this lady talk ! We have other things to worry about ! "

" How can you not see it ! She seemed to -"

" Okay Eve, enough ! ", me hissing in the middle of Walmart while strangers looked my way like I was some kind of a lunatic, was the only way to shut her up " I know what you're doing here, you're avoiding the subject. But don't you worry kitten, we're not going anywhere until you explain this to me "

" What do you want me to explain ?! "

" Who are you ? Who are these people you're living with ? Where were you last night ? and why do you keep lying to everyone including me ? ", I was sure I picked everyone's curiosity by now.

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