She's really wasted - Chapter 7°

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* Giving you some eye candy ;)) *

Thirty minutes later I'm already finishing my third glass of beer and trying not to feel uncomfortable as I tip the drink once again to my lips to finish the rest as quickly as possible . The glass is cold but my hands are nearly numb from the cold .

When I turn around Steve's shoulder touches mine as his eyes parade around the place and stop to check out a brunette from head to toe , sitting by here self on a bar stool . As she lifts her head up , I can tell she noticed him staring at her so she keeps eye contact with him and then crosses her larges and uncrosses them once more so that her short skirt would lift up a bit at the gesture and I swear to god I saw her winking at him .

At this point I think to myself , could she be more desperate or is she natural at being a whore , I mean I know the guy is hot and all with those deep-set blue eyes and the freckles just under .. Oh god I need to stop, I can't even think straight the alcohol is getting to me and this is my first time in a long time, in a bar. So you can't really blame me.

I glance over at him and say " So what are you going to do about her ? I can tell.. she's all over you " He looks over at her again and my mouth drops at his nervous expression

" OH MY ! Don't tell me you're getting nervous now I mean for god's sake the girl only winked at you , I thought you were playing it tough " I say once again

" Uhm , what the hell I'm not nervous why would I be ?.. I'm just waiting for the right moment " he lies , I'm trying hard to control my laughter but the alcohol coursing through me isn't working on my favor . Steve grabs my empty cup and and asks the bar tender to re-fill it " why do I get the feeling that you're trying to get me drunk on purpose ? " I hiccup

"Kitten , i'm not trying to get you drunk you already are , So please keep your self busy while I take this 'HOT MAMA' to the bathroom and fuck her brains out " he says proudly , I know he would but what's the point ? " And I'm not even surprised that you'd actually consider doing that " the thought makes me want to vomit all over him , MAN WHORE !

He frowns at me . I know that look he must've heard me calling him that . While he makes his way towards her ,not even two feet away from me he stops at his tracks .

What's wrong with him ?

When I look around , the brunette is now standing between a random dude's legs while he kisses the life out of her , obviously he's her boyfriend . Well I already knew she was WHORE . So no surprise there ! Way to go Stevie ..

As he makes his way back and sits lazily on the stool , I can't stop myself from laughing at his foolishness , he shoots me death glares and waves at the bar tender and orders two more drinks and then says " Would you stop laughing like a fucking horse ? That wasn't even funny "

" Are you kidding ? Oh my God that was fucking Hilarious I can't believe you fell for that " I laughed , my head swimming from the drinks I had and my mouth seems to let out every single thought I'm having

" Weren't you the one who said I could take her to the bathroom and fuck her brains out ? What was it that you called her by 'HOT MAMA' ?  " I said mimicking his tone

" ..  yeah, that's right.. Huh, Damn I can't believe you actually said that... '' I felt like puking as he reaches over to steady me while I almost fell off of my seat struggling to breath " heyyy , would you watch out, fuck, you're so done for. Watch out, we wouldn't want you to throw up all over me, now would we ? "

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