Chapter 37: Just a Regular Day

Start from the beginning

"Ok. Was that tiring. Or am I just not use to it?" I bended down and hands were on my knees. Paul went to go get me some water. 

"YOUR FAMOUS!!!! And You are probably not use to it." Zayn said. "I am not famous." I said. My heart was beating pretty fast. 

"YES YOU ARE! They didn't even notice us and we weren't even in disguise!" Niall yelled. "Ok. Ok. You made your point. Thanks Paul." I said. I grabbed the water bottle and started to drink it. 

"Gym is this way." I leaded them. They followed me and I dropped off my stuff on the floor. 

"Hey guys." I said. "HOLA! Hey, your one direction! Well hi!" Chriselle said. "Hello!" They all said.

"Ok. Are you ready Anna? We could hear the fans chanting your name and attacking you." Cindy said.

"AGG. ITS GETS EVERYWHERE. Yeah. I'm ready." I said. I took off my jacket and we lined up in our position. I had to do so many cartwheels, flips, and I was on top of the pyramid!! No. Like the thing where they hold you up and then they push you up and you do something. And then they catch you. 

The boys started to sing Live While We're Young and I had to do all these tricks and ugh. It was so tiring. When they ended the last part, They had to pick me up and I was in the air. Everyone looked at me and took a pic. They pushed me up and I they catched me. 

"WOAH! THAT WAS COOL!" Louis yelled. "Thanks. But I get so scared." I said. 

"That was really good Anna." Paul said. "Thanks." I smiled. 

The last song that they performed was Magic. Me and Gina started to dance first and then Chriselle and Elena. Then Reagan and Stephanie. Rachel and me were last. I had to go twice. Then me and Gina did some flips and yeah yeah. It was the routine. The last parts were me and Rachel doing like a really long flips and then holding me up in the air while i was doing some thing. 

"WOAH!! THAT WAS COOL!" Niall yelled.

"Thanks. And that scared the fudge out of me." I held my heart. 

"You are amazing. Thank god I put you on the team." Gina said. "SMH. You were doing it against my will." I glared at her. 

The boys hugged the girls and my phone dinged with tweets.

The boys tweeted almost the same thing.


I laughed and retweeted them. Girls were still outside screaming my name. FREAKY. 

"Great job guys. And ANNA. WOAH. That was amazing!" Paul said. I laughed and went into the changing room.

I changed into sweats and my hair was still in the ponytail. I changed my shoes into TOMS and went back outside.

"Hey." Liam said. "Hola." I said. We still had 10 minutes to go. Me and the girls already got our own performance done already. 

"I am hungry already. Anyone has food with them?" I rubbed my tummy. 

"Oh here! I stopped by Mcdonalds for you!" Paul handed me a sandwich and ice tea. HE WAS A LIFESAVER.

"THANK YOU PAUL! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. He laughed and Niall pouted. "Aww. No for me?" "YEP." I smirked. 

I started to eat and I was torturing Niall. He looked like a sad puppy. AWWWW. 

"Here. You looked so cute in those puppy eyes. " I gave him some of my sandwich and he had a happy face. He took a bite and gave it back to me. 

The bell rang and the boys had to wait until the halls were clear. I had history next.

"Ok. Bye boys. Bye Paul!" I yelled. "BYE!" They all yelled. I walked down the hall with Chriselle, Regan, Rachel, Stephanie, Elena, and Cindy. I could see most of the girls reading the latest Covergirl's magazine. I mean.. It was weird for me because I was on the cover and they interviewed me..

"OH MY GOSH! Anna!" A random girl yelled. I was suddenly attacked by so many questions. AGG. So overwhelming. I don't know how the boys do it...

"Ok. Move." I could hear Paul's voice. 

"Oh Thank You Paul." I hugged him. He escort me to my class and I sat next to Rachel. The other girls were trying to get to me, but I kind of ignore them. 

Mr.Thurman gave us our work and we took some notes. He didn't want to give out a test until after Thanksgiving. YESH!

The bell rang for lunch and I ran for my locker. I do not want to get tackled by girls again. I put my stuff in my locker and ran outside Everyone was waiting for me and we were going to Will's house for lunch. Sophie was cooking my favorite food. :)

I opened the door and instantly smell chicken and rice. YUM.

"Hi Sophie, Paul, boys." I smiled. I put my phone down and Sophie had plates of food coming out. GASP

"Thank you Sophie." I hugged her and started to eat. 

*30 minutes later*

"OHHH. I am so full. Thank you." I said.

"No problem sweetheart." Sophie smiled at me.

We hanged around a little bit and I helped Paul and Sophie clean up. 

"Ok. Me and Will have to go now. Bye guys! Thank you for the meal Sophie!" I yelled. 

"No problem sweetheart!" She yelled back. Me and Will were walking down the street and holding hands. AWW. I just love our relationship.

I got my books and headed towards to debating. I had this class with Gina and Will. We just learned some literacy and she gave us a topic to write about. We only had to do it in class, which is good because honestly I was so tired. 

Class dismissed and I headed off to my last period. GOOD

I had geometry and we just checked our homework. We had a take home test on Friday. YES! I can take it home and do it! WAIT! I have to go to LA with the boys next week. UGH.

Well. More work for me. YAY.

 Hey guys. I know my chapter are confusing. I have to fix them later. So Annabelle schedule is like this

Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays

1 period- cheerleading





Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays 




On Friday she has everything, so she starts the same time as Vicki. From 8-4. On the alternation days she has 9-4.

The open house where Anna and One Direction will be playing on Friday after school. Then on Saturday late night, she will fly out with the boys and girls to go on Ellen on Wednesday. She will be back home on Thursday and the boys family will fly out on Thursday night, going into Friday. 

If there is any more confusion please comment and inbox. I will most likely have to fix this later. 

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