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A/n: Hermione sees y/n transform (partly)

No One's Pov:

After lunch, y/n was released from cleaning duty to help Hermione unpack which she couldn't be happier about, those damn doxies bite hard.  So the two proceeded up the stairs and back into the room, Y/n was happy to share her draws as she really didn't have much just some clothes and her uniforms that were neatly hung and ironed by Mrs.Weasley in the dusty old closet. The two unpacked together Y/n attempting to fold her clothes and handed them to Hermione which she refolded properly and set them in the draw next to Y/n's stuff, the two did this for a couple of hours till all her clothes were put away and her uniforms hung next to Y/n's, Y/n was the only splash of blue in the closet fo red and gold. the two wasted some more time together and before they knew it the sun had set and dinner was being cooked, before heading down Y/n took out a ragged old notebook from the top drawer of the old dresser. Hermione recognized it as her sketchbook, the once blue cover of the book was now faded and covered in random pencil markings, she opened the small book and flipped to the back page where a hand-drawn moon chart.

Y/n: "The full moon is tomorrow," she says and points to the page

He:"Okay," Hermione said with hesitation, Y/n set the book down and walked over to Hermione and leaned closer to her.

Y/n:" I'll be fine" Hermione sighs and looks up to Y/n and smiles, the two kiss as a loud crack echo in the room along with a wolf whistle. the two pull away and Y/n throws a pillow at the Weasley twins they aperate out of the way then onto the bed with the two girls.

F: "What are we talking about?" Hermione's cheeks burnd but she replied with a snarky remark

He: "That's none of your business" Hermione said

G: "touchy"

Y/n: "Can we help the two of you?" Y/n asked crossing her arms, the boys stood from the bed and walked back to the spot they had been standing in before Y/n had thrown the pillow.

F&G:" Dinner's ready,  " they said

He:"Okay" Hermione responded a little annoyed the boys laughed and with a final crack aperated out of the room, Hermione sighs and Y/n chuckled and held out her hand.

Y/n:"come on let's head out" Hermione stands from the bed and takes her hand, the two walk hand and hand down stairs and into the kitchen where they met the others for dinner.

Dinner was filled with chatter, everyone asked about how Hermione's summer had gone and how her parents were, she asked about everyone elses and tried to push some anwsers out of Sirius but he kept quiet and ate silently. The group ate quietly and once done helped clean up well Y/n, Hermione and Ron helped while Ginny bailed with the twins up to their room, once the dishes were cleaned up Y/n and Hermione went up to their room to catch up more while Ron went to the twins room to hang with his family. Hermione and Y/n cuddled and talked softly for hours till it was time for bed, they changed into their Pj and went up to Ron's room to wish him goodnight and found him wrestaling with Fred and George they broke it up and said goodnight and with one final jab from Fred the twins aperated out of the room and into their own Ron cursed and shooed the two girls out. They left the ginger and went to their room and found Ginny already passed out, Y/n smiled at the youngest Weasley and threw the covers over her sprawled out body Hermione watched loveingly from her spot on the bed as Y/n tucked Ginny in and turned off the lights and polpped down on the bed next to Hermione's side. She giggled and wrapped her arms around Y/n's neck, Y/n turned on her side and wrapped her arms around Hermione's waist, they shared a sweet and short kiss before Y/n began to speak again.

Y/n:"Mione" Hermione looks up to Y/n

Y/n:"When i transforme, it's painfull but it's only temperary" Hermione sighed and slightly buries her face in Y/n's neck.

Y/n:" And i can't stop it and neither can you so please don't try"

He:"Okay" she said smally

Y/n:"Okay" Y/n respons with a sigh and pulls Hermione closer

He:"Goodnight" she says with a yawn

Y/n:"Goodnight" Y/n respons and cuddles up with Hermione and they fall fast asleep

Hermione's Pov:

Y/n and I had been asleep for a while till she randomly bolts up, i had my arms around her so she woke me as well, i yawn and rub the sleep out of my eyes confused as to why she had just bloted out of a deep sleep.

He:"What's going on" I looked over to Y/n and gasped loundly, her eyes began to glow bright yellow and she began to panht and groan softly in pain. I instintly rember it was a full moon, i turned my head quickly and sure enough in the early moring sky the full moon loomed in the sky, i instantly let go of her in shock, she instantly falls to the floor and begins to groan and sigh in pain. I backed up on the bed as she slames her hand onto the bedside table deep and long black claws jutted out of her hand as she lifted herself up off the floor and with a deep and painful sigh she stands in a hunched position and began stagering towards the door while striping her clothes, I instantly ran over to try and help her but she tried to push me away from her.

Y/n:"No" she said in a gruff voice but i didn't listen and went to help her she countined to groan as we left the room and went down the hall all while I tried to help her walk. We got to the end of the hall and she openes the door to a dinky old room, it was nearly empty the only furnature in the room was and old milk crate full of old clothes. There was one window up high in the room that streamed in the early morning light into the otherwise dark room, the walls near the window had deep sratch marks on it along with some small drawings made by Y/n; on the floor was an old pink blanket, she shuffled into the room and faced me her eyes glowed and when she opened her mouth to speak i could see sharp fangs sticking out of her bloody gums she looked like she was in so much pain, i felt my eyes burn with tears as i moved to enter the room with her but she blocked my way.

Y/n:"No, i don't want to hurt you please Mione leave" i shook my head and again tried to move into the room she pushed me slightly with her clawed hand and slamed the door shut.

He:"No!" i shouted and began to slam on the door.

Mo:"That won't do anything dear" Mrs.Weasly said startaling me as she entered the hall, she had two mugs in her hands and a soft tired smile on her face. She shuffled quickly to me and handed over one of the mugs, she sipped from the other and sat down infront of the door, i looked around the hall for anyone else but when no one came i sat next to her and looked down to the contant of the mug.

Mo:"My famous hot chocolate, it can sooth any soul" I looked over to her in dout but took a sip of the coco, i felt it instantly calm me, she smiled and countined to drink from her mug.

Mo:"I know it's hard Hermione"

Mo:"Seeing someone you care about in so much pain especially when you can't help them especially cause they're a werewolf but i digress" she said , i chuckled softly and looked over to the older women.

Mo:"But you need to trust that she'll be okay, after all she's been doing this for a long time" i again looked down into the now half-full mug.

He:"It's still hard, i've never experence anything like this before and it's scary" I said trufully Mrs.Weasly placed a hand on my shoulder i looked to her.

Mo:"It will never not be scary, you just have to be there for her as much as you can" I nodded in understanding and finished off my cup of coco, Mrs.Weasly smiled and stood from her spot on the floor.

Mo:"It's the best we can do, come on let's get you to bed before the hall wakes up" i laugh and stand from the floor as well, Mrs.Weasley took the empty mug from my hand and lead me back to my room. I entered quietly trying not to wake Ginny and walked back over to Y/n and I bed, i got under the covers and looked to the door where Mrs.Weasley hovered.

Mo:"Goodnight Hermione" she whispered

He:"Night" i responded and huddled under the covers and fell asleep quick what ever was in the hot chocolate was magic.


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