Chapter 16

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~Inosuke's pov~

I was packing my stuff when so girl called my attention.

"Hashibira kun!". She yelled

She was a fair skinned girl with black hair, that's tied in twin tails and she had beautiful ocean blue eyes. To be honest she looked really cute but she's not my type since she's flat chested.

"What ya want! Who even are you?!". I yelled back.

"I'm Kanzaki Aoi. And we're partners remember? Ms Kochō said it today, were you even listening back at science class?". She's really loud and pretty weird.

"Of course I wasn't. I had something in my mind." I said. Well it was true anyway since I'm worried about Zenitsu.

She sighed before yelling "Why won't you listen in class?! Especially that it's science a major subject and this project is important! So you better not slack off! We're going to the public library today so we can research! C'mon!". She angrily grabbed my hand and dragged me out. I mouthed Konjiro for help but he just chuckled. Jerk!

"Why are you dragging me?! I can walk you know!". I yelled in the corridor. Her hand dropped and she was looking on the floor.

"Sorry". She said and we walked together out the school.

~Aoi's pov~

"Hey Inosuke why do you always want to be number one strongest?". I suddenly asked

"Well it's complicated". He answered and we entered the library. "So what are we gonna research about?"

"The azalea flower". I answered while I  looking for books in the flower section

"Oh you mean that pinkish purple flower right? They're really beautiful and fragrant. They're usually found in Asia, Europe and North America right? They say they always grow back every year like how we get a birthday every year". Wow. . . This is like a different side of him. He kinda looks handsome in the way he is now. Well he does have a natural pretty face with black hair and beautiful Emerald green eyes, unlike me I'm so average.

"How do you know that?". I asked curiously

"Well we have some in the garden and besides i used to live in a province so I know alot about plants. Azaleas were my mom's favourite. Me and my grandmother are taking care of the flowers she left behind." He explained

"What happened to your mom?".

"Oh she passed away because of her illness". My eyes widened and I felt bad.

"I'm so sor—". I didn't finish my sentence cuz he ruffled my hair and smiled at me.

"Don't be. It was a long time ago anyway and we still have to research right?". I chuckled before answering "Yeah your right"

Who knew could be such a softy and very kind and sweet. I wish he'd show more of it so he'll have more friends and have a good reputation. Well I wish I could also be like that so I could get more friends besides Kanao san.

What'dya think? This is just a short Inosuke x Aoi chapter. Their also one of my favorite ships. There'll probably a chapter for Kanao and Tanjiro, Giyu and Shinobu, and lastly Mitsuri and Iguro. Comment on who should be next. Oh guys Hisa will be Inosuke's grandmother in this story. Thanks for reading please vote and share.

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