Chapter 12

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~Nezuko's pov~

I was about to open the rooftop door when it opened by itself. I closed my eyes because I thought it was a ghost but something hit my lips. I opened my eyes and it was. . . Him . . . Zenitsu.

His expression was the same as mine. He grabbed and pulled me to his embrace. He was so warm and so gentle. But he quickly let go of me. I looked at him and he was really really really really really really really really red like a rose. He kinda looked cute. But then I processed on why his really really really really really really really red and it was because of . . . It!

Oh my gosh I'm so slow! Ugh I feel embarrassed! Wait why am I embarassed? It wasn't me who kissed him right? Ugh my head is so confused!

~Zenitsu's pov~

I grabbed and pulled Nezuko away from the stairs and I closed the door. I felt my heartbeat fastened so I let go of her. I only grabbed her cuz I saw someone coming. If it was his brother I'll be dead.

I remembered the dream and how uneasy I felt about it a while ago. Now I feel so embarrassed! I can feel my face is really really really really really really really red like a rose! Ugh! I'm a stupid idiot! Why did I have to close my eyes!

I looked at Nezuko who looked a bit pinkish. I feel embarrassed to talk to her but I have to.

"Ano. . . Nezuko. . . Sono kisunitsuite. . ." (Um... Nezuko... About the kiss) I looked at her and she looked back. She turned red. "Sumimasen! Jikodatta!". (I'm sorry i was an accident)

She looked at me. "Gomene, doko no iku no ka mite inakatta" (I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going)

"No it was my fault. I was the one who took the first step—". I glanced at her, she was really red. I processed what I just said and I hit my forehead. "Nezuko can we just forget what happened and just get to class". I grabbed her and we ran to class.

~Tanjiro's pov~

I heard the door open, I looked to that direction and I saw Zenitsu and Nezuko. Hmmm they seem weird. They entered and sat down on their seats.

"Hey Nezuko Zenitsu what's up with you guys? Did something happen?". I raised my eye brow at them. They glanced at each other and they both blushed really red then looked away from each other.

"It's nothing Tanjiro". Zenitsu said quickly and he turned to the window.

Something definitely happened but what? Ughhh! I shouldn't get involve if Nezuko doesn't want me to know.

Our afternoon class went great if Nezuko least tried to not glance at Zenitsu every minute. Ughhh! This really bothering me! The bell rang then Zenitsu immediately left and Inosuke ran after him. Nezuko was packing her stuff when I touched her shoulder, she turned gave me a confused expression.

"Did something happen to you and Zenitsu? You guys seem a bit weird today". She grabbed her bag and stood up.

"Nothing happened so don't worry ok?". She assured me and gave the most adorable smile before I patted her head. Then we left together.

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