Chapter 9

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~Zenitsu's pov~

I calmly opened the door and saw Tomioka-sensei looked at me. I felt goosebumps all over my skin. I entered the classroom and walked towards him. He raised his eye brow at me and I bowed.

"Sorry I'm late Tomioka-sensei!". Then I stood up straight again.

"Meet me at the teacher's lounge at lunch". He said and I nodded then headed to my sit. I sat down, Tanjiro and Inosuke around me gave me a confused expression. And Nezuko on the other hand looked a bit worried. I raised my eye brow and asked them, "What's wrong with you guys?"

Tanjiro and Inosuke just looked in front and Nezuko stared worriedly at me for a second then she looked back in front. And seeing her like that made me worried too, but I'm also confused too. What the freakin hell is happening to me?!

~Nezuko's pov~

Zenitsu was in front apologizing for being late. It kinda bothered me seeing him late, because I kinda heard from Inosuke his never been late once.
As he took his seat I couldn't help but stare, and I also couldn't hide my worry for him.

He raised his eye brow and asked at us, "What's wrong with you guys?" At that moment I felt that I should stop staring so I looked in front but I didn't really listen much. All I actually heard from Tomioka-sensei was we were going to change seats tommorow.

-At lunch-

We were at the cafeteria and I was with Makomo and Sabito today because Nii chan and Inosuke kun were with Zenitsu kun.

"Nezuko?". Makomo called and I turned to her. "Kawaii!" She held her phone up and I heard a click. I think she took a picture of me.

I took the bite of the bread and held it in my hands. "Did you take a pic of me?". I asked and Shee smiled and nodded. "Can you send it to me"

"Of course! You look so adorable in the picture!". She said cheerfully then she showed it me. I don't know if I was adorable but it was a great picture.

~Zenitsu's pov~

I don't feel like going to the teacher's lounge today or any day at all. Cuz it makes me feel extremely nervous. So that's why I'm all sweaty and feel like I'm gonna collapse. So right now I'm walking with Tanjiro, Inosuke and Ms Shinobu Kochō our science teacher.

So how did this happen you ask I'll show you.


"Class dismissed". Ms Kochō said. I stood up and fixed my things. "Zenitsu kun do you want us to come with you?". Tanjiro asked and I turned to look at him and I hesitatedly nodded. Why were you even late?!". Inosuke yelled. I just ignored him and looked at Nezuko. "Nezuko san are you coming with us". I asked her with a serious tone. "I don't know". She muttered. "Can you not come. Not to be rude but please don't come, even if you want to come please don't. If you want I'll try to make it up to you". I explained cuz I really don't want her to hear any unkind words Tomioka-sensei will say. "Oh...I get it". She mumbled miserably. Then she went out with Makomo and Sabito. Yes I know their names. "Sumimasen". I looked at the back of Inosuke. It was Ms Kochō. "Your Agatsuma kun right?". She said and I nodded "Alright please come with me to the teacher's lounge"

-end of flashback-

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