Chapter 30

812 30 10

~Inosuke's pov~

I woke up early today again. I got up to check if Zenitsu is awake and as I predicted his asleep. I checked the time and it was already 8 am. I threw a pillow at Zenitsu but he catches it.

"It's freakin' 8 am in the morning, go back to sleep and if you can't then don't drag me along", he said with his eyes closed

"Dude, we're supposed to meet Monjiro and others at 10", I said and threw another pillow

He catches it and he sits up then threw both pillows at me, which I caught.

"Fine", he facepalmed "I'm awake, let's just train in the backyard before breakfast"

"Hell yeah!"

~Kanao's pov~

I looked at Aoi as she fixes her bed.

"Kanao are you ok?", She asked concerned "You've been staring at me for quite awhile now"

I flipped my coin and it was heads so I had to answer.

"I'm fine", I replied shortly

She sighed as she stood up. I don't understand why she sighed but I followed her to the dining room.

"I'll cook breakfast, you go get ready and wake Shinobu-san and Kanae-san up", she said as she put her apron on

I nodded and went back to the room to grab some clothes, before waking up Kanae nee-san, Shinobu nee-san.

~Aoi's pov~

As Kanao left I started making breakfast. She's so hard to read. Although I'm used to how she is. I still can't get used to her being so. . .emotionless, like she doesn't have any individuality.

"Good morning Aoi", Kanae-san greeted me happily

"Oh, good morning Kanae-san", I replied

"What are you making?"

"Let her be nee-san", Shinobu-san said "Aoi likes to cook and she's good at it so let her cook"

"I-i'm not that good", I stuttered as I flipped the pancakes

"But your cooking is much better than ours Aoi", Kanae-san patted me on the head "You should take more credit"

"But you were the ones who taught me, that's why I'm good", I replied

I heard Shinobu-san giggled and put a hand on my shoulder. "Aoi you were the one who worked so hard on cooking, and plus neither of two were good at cooking"

"I guess", I said as I finished cooking

3rd person pov

At the mall

Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke were sitting at a bench waiting for Aoi and Kanao

Inosuke and Tanjiro was fighting over what is Tanjiro's name while Zenitsu kept laughing at them. Nezuko was really nervous right now.

~Nezuko's pov~

Should I give it today? Or maybe should just give it to him at school? What should I do?!

"Nezuko are you alright?", Zenitsu asks concerned

"Yeah I'm fine",  I replied as my cheeks began to blush

Why am I always blushing around him? It's not like I like him. . .

I felt my cheeks began to heat even more. I cover my face with my hands and sighed. I saw Aoi and Kanao walking towards us and we greet them.

"Finally!", Inosuke groaned and looked at Aoi. I don't if it was just me but I think I saw him blush. "You girls were so slow"

"It's because we had responsibilities at home unlike someone who doesn't help out in the house", Aoi retorted

"Alright that's enough", Zenitsu said and glanced at Inosuke. "How about we go have lunch?"

"Me and onii-chan, know a nice place to eat", I blurted out.

"Really? that's great, I'm kinda hungry too.", Aoi said and Kanao just stared as if to say she was also hungry. "You guys lead the way then"

"N-noo, I mean sorry but that place is very expensive we only got to eat there once after all", I said nervously

"Now that I you mentioned it. It was really expensive. And we were just little kids back then", onii-chan said happily remembering our childhood.

I heard Aoi and Inosuke groaned at the same time then glared at each other.

Hahaha I think there's bad blood between these two

"It's fine, since everyone's hungry let's just go there, instead of looking for other places to eat to", Zenitsu suggested

"But Zenitsu it's really expensive there. Especially we're a group right now", onii-chan contrasted on his suggestion

"It's fine, I'll pay for everything", he said as everyone gasped. "What? I just withdraw my allowance from the bank, it's better if I spend it now"

"Then let's go! I'm hungry!", Inosuke yelled and onii-chan led the way.

~Zenitsu's pov~

Tanjiro led the way and we followed. Tanjiro was arguing something with Inosuke while Aoi talked to Kanao about something. I walked besides Nezuko at the back because I don't want her to be alone.

"A-are you really ok with paying for it?", She said actually it was almost like a whisper.

"Yeah, after all we're friends right?", I said with a smile. But she just looked away from me.

Did I do something wrong? Or is she just laughing at me?

We walked out the mall and after a 5 minute walk we arrived at a fancy traditional Japanese restaurant. We were led to a 6 people table. They gave each of us a menu and we picked the food we liked and got it ordered.

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