Chapter 25

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~Zenitsu's pov~

I was woken up by the loud banging of the door. I lazily opened my eyes and yawn. I got up and walked towards the door, I don't usually lock my room but dad and his "woman" is here so I'm just being cautious. I opened it only to see a little girl with black hair and brown eyes.

I suddenly felt pissed off, but I still bend down and asked with a firm and serious voice "What is it that you want?"

" breakfast is ready please get down", she stuttered nervously

I sighed and said "Yeah, sure be down in a few minutes" then shutting the door.

I fixed my bed then took a quick shower, put my books and other stuff in bag then I head down to the kitchen.

I quietly yawn as I entered the dining room. I quickly felt uncomfortable with everyone staring at me. I just shook it off and sat down. It was so awkward as we ate. I noticed dad was gonna start a conversation or talk to "mom" or grampa or something so I quickly finished my food and excused myself.

I sighed happily getting out of that horrible place. One of our maids gave me my lunch then I walked to school.

~Makomo's pov~

I was telling Nezuko about the new Cafe that just opened, when Zenitsu kun arrived and Nezuko seemed really happy that she can't stop smiling and staring.

"Why don't you take a picture of him, it'll last longer", I giggled and she flushed pinked and shook her head.

"Makomo chan!", She said very flustered.

"Just confess to him already. It's so obvious that you like him", I advised her and she turned really red this time.

"I don't like him in that way Makomo chan.... I only like him as a friend", she said nervously.

"If you say so", was the only thing I replied with.

I wish Nezuko can wasn't this dense about her own feelings. She doesn't seem like a tsundere so the only explanation is either in denial or really dense.

'At lunch'

~Nezuko's pov~

Me and Makomo chan had our lunch very quickly because she had to do something for her club. To be completely honest, I still haven't picked a club yet.

I walked up to the rooftop to see my brother, Zenitsu and Inosuke. As usual they're here together. I walked towards them.

"Hi Nezuko", my brother greeted
"Konnichiwa Nezuko", Zenitsu greeted
"Yo", Inosuke said

" Can I ask you guys something?", I nervously asked as I sat down.

"What is it Nezuko?", Nii-chan asked.

"Have you guys picked your clubs yet?"

"Not yet"
"Not really"

"Why not?"

"I still don't have enough time to join a club yet", nii-chan said

"Because I'm busy training to beat Zenitsu and Monjiro here!", Inosuke yelled as expected.

"It's Tanjiro Inosuke", Zenitsu corrected him.

"That's what I said!", Inosuke yelled at him

"Anyways, I really need a club because I have a lot in my daily schedule", Zenitsu replied

"What do you mean?", I asked confused.

"Well, after our project I have to go back to my normal schedule. Once I get home, I have my literature, arts, science, history and others lessons. Plus I have violin lessons every Friday and Sunday, I have piano every Mondays and Wednesdays, and lastly my training every Tuesdays and Thursdays", he explained.

"How does that even fit your schedule?", I asked curiously

"I dunno, I'm not the one who fixes my schedule. It was only handed to me", he replied.

"Oh", I mumbled.

"Nezuko why did you asked us about the clubs?", Nii-chan asked

"I just wanted to know, well see ya later", I said and left.

'After school'

~Zenitsu's pov~

I walked over to Nezuko and asked her if she was ready to go and she nodded. We walked to their house quietly.

"Nezuko, why don't you and Tanjiro walk home together?", I asked curiously.

"Well normally we walk home together every Wednesday and Friday, but since he has to work on the project with Tsuyuri san, we can't walk home together", she said and smiled at me.

"Oh, then how about I walk you home on the days your brother can't walk you home, only if want to that is...", I offered with a light blush on my face. I looked at her and she was also blushing.

"Why you do that?", She asked and stopped walking.

"Well, since your really nice and kind, plus your a girl. I think some people might take advantage of you, I'm not saying your not strong or anything", I said

"Ok... Sure let's go then", she grabbed my hand and we ran to her house that was only have a block away. After we fixed the things on the table we got to work. Once we finished it. I quickly went home because it was already late

I'm sorry for the late update but I hope you liked it.

Hello everyone thanks for 5k reads, but I have to stop writing this book for a while because I have a problem in my home right now. Don't worry I won't discountinue it, it will only be on hold. I'm sorry for putting it on hold. Please try to understand and forgive me.

Thanks for reading please vote and share.

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