Chapter 27

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~Zenitsu's pov~

I got up and saw Mirai was the one who knocked me down.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into", she apologized then bowed. She looks like she's gonna cry

"It's fi—", I was cut of by my "mother"

"What are you doing to my daughter?!", She yelled

"What do you mean? She was the one who bump into me", I replied

"How would I know that? What if your lying and you actually pushed her. I mean look she looks like she's gonna cry"

I sighed and said "You know what, talking with you is a waste of energy. So I'll just go"

She kept spouting nonsense at me as I walked back to my room.

"Geez that woman is such a handful"

I walk over to the balcony and looked up the sky to see the beautiful stars.

As I keep looking at the stars I felt tears running down my face, I just let it fall as I remember my mom.


~Nezuko's pov~

I'm so happy we got a high grade on our presentation, but it was mostly Zenitsu who did the explaining though. I think I should treat him to something.

I wonder what's he's into? Wait his rich, does that mean he already has everything. Ah I'm so confused. Ah I know I'll onii-chan.

I walk down stairs and saw onii-chan and Inosuke kun. They seem to be getting along better than before.

"Ah Nezuko, I have something to tell you", he said happily

"What is it onii-chan?"

"Can you come with us this Saturday, I wanted to help Kanao make friends.", He said "So I thought maybe we can go out this Saturday"

"Of course", I happily agreed "Anyways who else is coming with us?"

"Zenitsu and Aoi of course", Inosuke blurted out.

"Oh ok, anyways are you staying the night Inosuke kun?"

"I guess"

"Well goodnight to the two of you, i still have to make breakfast tomorrow morning"

"Goodnight", they said in chorus as i walked up to my room

Maybe i should just make him something? Like a scarf or whatever. He's very humble after all.

I turned off the lights and tucked myself in.

Tomorrow is a new day, so i'll just worry about it tomorrow.


~Tanjiro's pov~

Nezuko is suprisingly sleeping early tonight. I wonder why.

"Oi Monjiro!!", inosuke waved his hand infront of me

"Oh sorry what were you saying??"

"I said tomorrow is picture day so i need help dressing up"

"Oh sure, but you already look fine the way your always dress tho"

"Then tell that to Tomioka-sensei"

"oh hahaha, i get"

Me and inosuke ended up chatting until 10 pm before going to bed

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