Chapter 6

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~Nezuko's pov~

I walked home alone today cuz my weird brother had to insist in coming to Zenitsu-kun's house. Like they just met and he's already barging in their house. Well I can't blame him, he was invited after all. I sighed and opened the door. I closed it and ran to my room. I changed my clothes and did my homework, and yes we have homework on the first day. It's really unfair that my brother and his new friends had to skipped class and plus they only stayed in the clinic then the detention room. I finished my homework and looked at my family photo. Tears began to fill my eyes up. Just looking at it makes me cry. I blinked my eyes so the tears can fall. I looked at it and guilt filled me up. I know it wasn't my fault, but if I hadn't… I wish I could turn back time! I laid on my bed with the picture frame on my hands.

~Tanjiro's pov~

My eyes widened and my mouth opened when I saw Zenitsu kun's car. It was a really expensive car. I looked at Zenitsu and he gave me his signature adorable and goofy smile. Inosuke walked to the car and got in.

"C'mon Tanjiro kun". Zenitsu said and dragged me in then he closed the door and went inside the passenger seat.

"Pssst Inosuke kun!". I whispered to him and he gave me a glare. "How many times have you been in Zenitsu kun's house?"

"Since 2nd year middle school". Then he looked back at the window. I kinda felt embarrassed cuz we just became friends and I'm already going to his house I should've listened to Nezuko.


Its already dismissal and I was walking with Nezuko. I suddenly felt my pocket vibrated. I grabbed my phone in my pocket and opened it. It was from my part time job. My boss just cancelled my job today due to something that happened there. I turned my phone off and smiled really big. I looked at Nezuko and she gave me a confused look.

"Nani?". She asked

"I don't have to go my job today Nezuko!". I said and her eyes widened and I sensed that she became worried. " What's wrong Nezuko chan?"

"Aren't you embarrassed that you guys just met and your already barging in their home?". She said and looked straight ahead

"Why would I be embarrassed Nezuko? He was the one who invited me". I replied and smiled

"Still… You guys literally just met! And plus you guys got into trouble in the first day and have alot of cuts and bruises. You think that his parents or guardians will like that you will be there? You one of the trouble makers who got in detention in their first day! Tanjiro please think about what other people would think about you… Cuz I hate it very much when they talk badly of you… And you shouldn't go to his house let Inosuke go alone after all he already met Zenitsu kun's family already they might have already accepted him, so please don't go". She scolded me. That's Nezuko for you.

"I understand Nezuko but I'm going… And it'll be rude if I don't accept it's not like I'm going anywhere". I smiled and saw Zenitsu and Inosuke so I dragged Nezuko to them

—End of flashback—

My eyes widened when I saw Zenitsu kun's house. Coz it wasn't just a normal 2 floor house… Cuz it was a HUGE mansion. But he said it was normal house. I was more amazed when Zenitsu toured me around house. After the tour when went to their training room. It was really big like two gymnasium. He opened the door and a old man that's about his 70s was sitting in the middle of the room. We walked to him and he looked at me from head to toe.

"Good afternoon Sir, I'm Kamado Tanjiro kun". I greeted him and bowed. He nodded and stood up.

"Good afternoon Tanjiro kun. I'm Zenitsu kun's grandfather, you can call me Master". He said and patted my head. "Are you here to train too?"

"Yes Sir". I politely replied and he nodded.


The training was really intense. No wonder Inosuke is so strong and almost immune to pain. Turns out Zenitsu always fainted when he was about to fight Inosuke, but he always gets up and with his eyes closed. Then he beats Inosuke, but he always thinks it was only a dream. At 7 me and Inosuke went home. I opened the door and took of shoes.

"Tadai masu!". I yelled and went to my room. I dropped my bag next to my desk and I grabbed some clothes then took a shower. I went down the kitchen and looked for some food in the fridge,but it was all leftovers. I frowned. Maybe Nezuko hasn't eaten yet. I went upstairs and knocked on her door.


So guys sorry for a very late chapter. I was really busy and had a lot of things in my hands right now. Hope you continue reading and share and vote

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