Chapter 20

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~Tanjiro's pov~

I woke up really early and got ready. I tried to open Nezuko's room but it was lock so I just let her be. I prepared breakfast and left a note to Nezuko that I've already left. I decided to drop by my part time job today before heading to school. I jogged passed the school and to a nearby Cafe.

"Ohayō Teru senpai". I greeted him

"Ohayō Tanjiro kun. Why're you here so early?". He asked curiously

"I just wanted to tell you that I might be late for work later cause I have to drop by my classmates' house for our project". I explained

"Oh... Why don't you take a break for today and fix up your project. You should prioritize your school work first". He advised

"Thanks I will". I said then I walked out and jogged to school. As I entered the school I gate I saw Tsuyuri San and Kanzaki san walking together. They seem really close. "Ohayō Kanzaki san Tsuyuri san". I caught up to them.

"Ohayō Kamado kun". Kanzaki replied. "I have to go see ya later Kanao"

"Bye bye". She cutely said to Kanzaki

"Um... Tsuyuri san I was thinking where are we gonna have our project done?". She looked at me and thinked.

"Let's go to my house my sisters have alot of books about plants". She said and I nodded.

We entered our classroom and sat on our respective seats. I sat down and brought out my phone. I put my on my earphones and played on my music while I scrolled down on Instagram.

When I saw Inosuke came in, I quickly removed and hid my earphones in my bag and shoved my phone in my pocket.

"Inosuke kun!". I yelled and walked towards his chair.

"What do you want Monjiro?". I sighed at the wrong name he said.

"Have you seen Zenitsu I have to ask him something". I replied

"Yeah I was walking with him and your sister but I left them when they got into an argument about his swollen face. I think he got that from training but it seems to much for him so I guess it's from something else". He explained

"T-t-they're t-together?". I stuttered

"Yeah she seems really concerned since Zenitsu seems like he hadn't slept all weekend and he had patch on his cheek and his lips and eyes were all swollen, and I think he has a bruise on his forehead but his bangs covered it so your sister didn't saw". He said with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Man that's bad. Even if it's training or not. Would his grandfather even let him be hurt like that?"

"No, unless his father was there. Then he can't do anything cause he can't get in between their training. His father is a monster when he tries to train his son". He said angrily and slammed his hand on his desk.

"That's sad I'll try to ask what happened". I said and then the bell rang then Tomioka-sensei came in.

"Take your seats now!". He yelled and we sat on our respective seats. "So just a quick announcement—" he didn't finish cause the door opened. And there stood Zenitsu and Nezuko. "Your late stay out there!". Then Zenitsu closed the door. Inosuke was right even if I sat on the back I could see his patch and swollen eyes.

"As I was saying. . . So today you'll be practicing swimming and you have a match girls vs boys freestyle race tomorrow". He said then went out. After a few minutes Zenitsu and Nezuko came in.

They sat at their seats Zenitsu sat beside me and Nezuko one row in front of him.

"Hey Zenitsu what happened to your face?". I asked worriedly

"Oh this is nothing. I'm fine". He smiled before looking infront. I did my best and tried to ignore it and listen but I couldn't. I feel super concerned cause I think of him as my brother besides that his my bestfriend.

It's already lunch, so I went to the restroom to wash my hands. I quickly eat some lunch and went to the roof to get some fresh air. As I entered the roof I heard people talking so I come closer to see who it is and it was Zenitsu and Inosuke. I hide somewhere nearby so I can hear what their talking about. I don't know what's their subject but it seems like it's Zenitsu's injuries and his family, I think.

"You were gonna say it's fine cause your grampa was there weren't you?". Inosuke asked and Zenitsu just looked away. "You should really learn to speak up for yourself especially now cause your grandpa's not gonna always be there for you. And plus in next year you'll be practically an adult. So you should learn to at least explain to him what happened instead of being so scared. Your already strong enough to have fight with your father and win but because of you hesitation you might not even land a single attack on him". Inosuke sighed while Zenitsu just stared.

I shouldn't be eavesdropping but I can't help it. I want to help him so I'll just listen for now.

"Your right, that's what grampa also said. I wish I can be the same as you guys. . . But ever since he got married to that bitch I could never I understand him anymore". Tears started to fall down Zenitsu's cheeks "He used to be so gentle and understanding and he'd always want to the situation before doing any action but. . . Now is so different. I know I should talk back to him and explain, it's not that I'm scared he might hurt me but scared that I might lose my father to his new wife and kid. He and grampa are the only family I have and I don't want to lose them". he said trying to wipe his tears but they just kept falling. Inosuke chuckled then gave a kind and gentle. Then he suddenly smacked Zenitsu's back really hard. "Ouch!"

I felt so sorry for Zenitsu, Inosuke was right his family is messed up. But even so Zenitsu is still willing to bare all the mean things his stepmother and his father has done to him. After what he said I just went back to the classroom where I saw Nezuko. I came up to her and she looked away.

~Nezuko's pov~

I was talking to Makomo when my brother suddenly came up to me. I turned to him but quickly turned my gaze back to Makomo.

"Makomo chan, Sabito kun can I talk to Nezuko for a sec?". They both nodded and left.

"What do want to talk about?". I asked coldly

"I'm sorry". He said looking at the floor. My eyes widened at what he said. "I shouldn't have provoked you and judged you. I don't know why you two were at the mall.... I felt jealous and scared cause you lied to me and that he might take you away. Your the only family I have Nezuko and I don't want to lose you". He said then tears fell from his eyes.

I hugged him and mumbled "I'm sorry, I just thought you might not like the idea of me hanging out with a boy. And don't worry he won't steal me and besides no one can ever replace my brother". He patted my head and I let go.


So guys they made up already. It's sweet Tanjiro and Nezuko can make up easily. I wish me and my siblings can be like that. Thanks for reading please vote and share

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