Chapter 13

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~Zenitsu's pov~

I dashed out the classroom as fast I can. When I was far enough, I calmed myself down and walked through the corridor. After a few minutes someone hit the back of my head. I turned to see Inosuke very upset.

"Dude! What was that for?!". I started to walk again with him by my side.

"You left me!". He angrily replied and I rolled my eyes.

"How old are you? Four? That you still need someone to look after you?!". He squinted his eyes at me and I ignored it.

"Dude what's up with you? You're so hot headed today". He paused then he signaled me to turn around. When I turned around I saw Tanjiro waving and Nezuko trying not make eye contact. She's probably feel embarrassed like me. I grabbed Inosuke's sleeve and dragged him away. When we got out of campus, I let go of his sleeve.

"Dude! What was that?! You're the one who wanted to be friends with them and your the one running away! What's up with you today? First you were tardy then you start acting weird at lunch and now you ran away from your friends now?! Seriously what's going on?". I just looked away. Wait he knows how to use the word tardy?! (・o・). I felt his hand on my shoulder. I glanced at him. He was really concerned and confused.

"I'll tell you". I saw Tanjiro and Nezuko walk out the school so I dragged Inosuke away again. "Once we get to my house"

*after 30 minutes of dragging Inosuke*

We finally here. I let go of Inosuke and I opened the gate. We ran to my room and we sat down at the floor.

"So we here?". He said impatiently

"I was tardy because I was trying to figure out my dream last night". He looked more confused

"What was your dream about?". My cheeks heated up when I remembered my dream and what happened earlier.

"It was about me and Tanjiro's sister". I practically whispered it. Inosuke's eyes widened and his mouth dropped. I covered my face when I saw his reaction.

"Hey idiot continue it already". I removed my hands and looked at the floor

"Then I was acting weird because me and Nezuko accidentally kissed at rooftop and we've felt very awkward around each other". I saw trying not to look at his reaction.

"Do you like her?". He suddenly blurted out. I looked at him confused

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you have been dreaming about her and you kissed. And plus you blush when you think of her. It's obvious that you like her". My eyes widened.

"I don't think about her! And I certainly don't like her in that kind of way!"

"Sure looks like it"


~Nezuko's pov~

We saw Zenitsu and Inosuke at the corridor. Tanjiro started to wave at them when Inosuke and Zenitsu turned while I was trying to not look at them. Then they started to run away.

"Zenitsu! Inosuke!". My brother yelled while running after them and I was just walking behind him. "Hey guys wait up!"

"Ugh I can't see them anymore!". He groaned and I just walked past him. "Nezuko wait". He caught up and headed out.

"I wonder why they ran away". He started to think and I was just rolling my eyes.

"Maybe they have something to do or something". I tried to make him give up.

"Maybe... Let's just go home. I still have to get to my job". We walked on our way home.

I wonder if Zenitsu ran away from us because of what happened. Maybe I would have done the same if my brother wasn't there or if he wouldn't have to interrogate me about it.

When we got home I ran to my room and locked the door. I grabbed my diary and unlocked it. I turned it to a blank page and wrote what happened today. I closed it once more then hid it under the mattress of my bed.


Sorry for the late update guys. I got writer's block. Please vote and share

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