Chapter 23

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~Zenitsu's pov~

I opened my phone and texted Nezuko to meet me at the public library. Then I shoved it down my pocket and walked to the library. I'd rather research about my project with Nezuko rather than taking my extra classes at home and be supervised by that ungrateful and horrible step mother of mine.

~Inosuke's pov~

After the race Zenitsu suddenly disappeared and Tomioka-sensei said we can stop swimming and go home now. And now me, Monjiro and Kezuko are the only ones in the classroom cuz everyone else is in the shower.

"Nii-chan, Inosuke kun. Zenitsu texted me to meet him at the public library". She said.

"Oi Monjiro let's go! Zenitsu's already left". I said and grabbed my bag

"Nezuko please stall Zenitsu as long as you can... And text us when you guys are already finished". Monjiro said to his sister. Then headed out.

It took us 30 minutes to get to Zenitsu's house. I rang the doorbell and the gate opened. When we got to the living room Zenitsu's grampa and father was there.

"Konni chi wa". We said in unison.

"Inosuke, Tanjiro what brings you here?". Sensei asked.

"Um....well..... We saw Zenitsu's bruises in his face and he said he got into a fight with his father". Kentaro replied

"It's true because his nothing but a mistake. He has no manners, no respect and no love for others. His such a selfish spoiled brat that he doesn't even care if he was younger or older with a person when his talking". His father said.

"Is that really how you see your only son?". I asked firmly.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that he was never like that to me or anyone. When he gets irritated and annoyed he hides it. He only becomes scary when his angry. But he is not a selfish disrespectful and no mannered person. What do you think he thinks of you? His own father thought of his only son as a mistake".

"He probably thinks of me as a monster or something but I don't care cause I just want him to become better for his sake and for the company".

I sighed and grabbed my phone from my pocket. I put it in recorder and played the lastest record.

"You were gonna say it's fine cause your grampa was there weren't you?". (Inosuke said)

"You should really learn to speak up for yourself especially now cause your grandpa's not gonna always be there for you. And plus in next year you'll be practically an adult. So you should learn to at least explain to him what happened instead of being so scared. Your already strong enough to have fight with your father and win but because of you hesitation you might not even land a single attack on him". (Inosuke said)

"Your right, that's what grampa also said. I wish I can be the same as you guys. . . But ever since he got married to that woman I could never I understand him anymore". (Zenitsu agreed)

"He used to be so gentle and understanding and he'd always want to know the situation before doing any action but. . . Now is so different. I know I should talk back to him and explain, it's not that I'm scared he might hurt me but scared that I might lose my father to his new wife and kid. He and grampa are the only family I have and I don't want to lose them. I don't want them to hate me and dis own me, it scares me to be alone that's why I understand everything dad says even if his wrong. It is after all for my sake and so I can be a good worker in our company". (Zenitsu explained)

"Did he really said that?"

"Yeah, I asked him about what happened to his face and stuff and he ended up being so poetic. He doesn't really know we came here or that I recorded him so please don't tell him". I said

"Of course Inosuke". Sensei replied

"I've only been friends with Zenitsu for two months but I know that his a caring, faithful, respectful and we'll mannered person. Because I can see it in his actions". Kentaro said "I hope you see how kind and understanding your son is now. So know th situation before taking action. I'm not questioning your parenting, I just don't want to see Zenitsu sad and spacing out. So please think before so anything to him"

"Thank you for your time, we'll be leaving". I said and we walked to the gate. I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I turned to see sensei.

"Thank you for saying and telling us about Zenitsu like that. You two are such kind friends of my grandson. Is there anything I could do repay you". Sensei asked

"We just wanted to clear things with Mr Agatsuma for our friends sake". Monjiro said sincerely

"And plus if we hadn't come Zenitsu might get be beaten up more. And I can't compete with him if his injured". I said

"Hahahaha! You're right. Well thank you, have a safe trip home". Sensei said and we bowed to each other then we left.

So guys what'cha think about Inosuke being kind and nice. Sorry I couldn't update last week, it's was because I was sad haikyuu ending.  Thanks for reading please vote and share.

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