Chapter 33

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~Kanao's pov~

I walked in the classroom with Aoi. Everything seems to be normal but where's Tanjiro? Wait his sister is here so I suppose his here too.

"Um. . . Excuse me. . . Kanao?", I looked behind me and it's was Zenitsu.

"Oh s-sorry", I said and walked to my seat.

"Is something wrong Kanao?", Aoi asked and I just shook my head in reply.

Why am I even looking for Tanjiro?

~Zenitsu's pov~

I was walking towards the classroom when I saw Kanao looking around standing at the classroom door frame.

"Um. . . Excuse me. . . Kanao?", I said awkwardly. She turned to see it was me and she looked a little bit disappointed.

"Oh s-sorry", she said and walked to her seat.

Did something happen last Saturday after I left? Or did i do something wrong? First it was Nezuko now it's Kanao. . . Why do girls keep acting weird towards me.

I sighed and walked towards my seat. I put down my bag and sat down.

I feel so drained. Maybe I shouldn't have stayed up all night.

•Last period•

"Alright then, starting next week it will be your summer break-", Tomioka-sensei was cut off by some of my classmates and he glared at them before continuing. "As I was saying make sure you do all your summer homework"

The bell rang and almost everyone in class was practically announcing what they'd do during the summer as Tomioka-sensei walk out the classroom.

I fixed my stuff and proceeded to walk out the classroom. I changing into my outdoor shoes when some random girls approached me.

"Um. . . Zenitsu-san?", Random girl 1 said flustered

I felt pissed just by hearing her say my given name.

(To Japanese people it is rude to call them by they're given name without their consent)

I finished putting on my shoes and turned to them with a obvious displeased look.

"Don't you think his a bit bothered by us", random girl 2 whispered to random girl 3

"It won't take him so much time, so it's fine", random girl 3 whispered back

I am very bothered by you three. And I can clearly here and see you whispering about me.

"What do you want?", I said with an annoyed tone

"I wanted to invite you to my pool party during the summer", random girl 1 said and handed me an invitation.

I took it and shoved it in my pocket. " I'll think about it bye", I left immediately cuz if I didn't I don't know what I might have done to them.

I walked out the school and saw Tanjiro, Inosuke, Nezuko, Makomo & Sabito, waiting outside the school gate.

"What took ya so long!!?", Inosuke yelled

"Just ran into bothersome stuff", I replied and he seemed to understand it immediately.

"We were going to the new café that opened, would you like to come?", Makomo asked.

"As I much as I want to I can't. I'm sorry but I have to go", I said and bowed to them and headed to the car. I entered and so did Inosuke. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"I wanna know who your new tutor is! And we have training today", He said with enthusiasm

I sighed and put on the seatbelt. "Drive", I said to the driver, and turned to Inosuke.

"First of all you have no reason to meet my new tutor and second we have training tomorrow not today you dimwit!", I yelled and hit his head which he hit mine back.

"Fine! I get it! But I still want to know who your new tutor is!"

"Ugh! Whatever"

~Nezuko's pov~

Zenitsu and Inosuke had already left and we're on our way to the café. When onii-chan suddenly stopped walking.

"Is something wrong onii-chan?", I asked worriedly

"It's just I remembered that I was asked to tutor someone today", he said. "Is it ok for me to join guys next time instead?"

"Yeh, sure. You should hurry up and head back", Sabito said and Makomo waved goodbye to Onii-chan.

"Do you have something to do as well Nezuko?", Makomo asked "it's fine with us if you have to go as well"

"Not really, let's go", I said and grabbed her hand and ran.

When we reached the café it was already 4:30. We ordered some drinks before heading home.

"Bye bye Nezuko", Makomo said

"Do you two always go home together?", I asked before leaving

"Most of the time, but it's because we live next to each other", Sabito explained

"Oh, see you tomorrow then", I said and proceeded to head home.

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