Chapter 4

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~Zenitsu's pov~

"Aaaaah!".  I screamed and sat right up.

The door opened and Inosuke, Tanjiro and Nezuko ran inside the clinic.

"Zenitsu daishobu?!". Inosuke worriedly asked and put his hand in my forehead.

"Yeah... I'm fine". I said in a whisper and looked away from him.

Ever since grampa started training us, he became more close to me.
~Zenitsu's pov~

Inosuke is really great with swords and knives. While I'm only good in academics and other stuff. I can't even defend myself.

"Zenitsu hurry up you and Inosuke are sparing!". Grampa yelled and I ran to the training room

I saw Inosuke with his rubber sword. And I held mine.

"Ready to lose!". He teased me

I shook my head and the battle began.

I tried everything in me to with but in the end I still lose.

I stood up and looked at grampa approaching Inosuke-kun.

"Inosuke-kun you were great a little more training and you might be one of the best swordsman, I'm proud of you". Grampa explained

"Whatever old man". He replied and they both laughed

My tears started to fall when grampa said that he was proud of him. He never said it to me. He just scolded and yelled at me. He thinks everyone is better than his  grandson. Maybe his right I am just a weak little coward!

I dropped my rubber sword and stormed out of the room. I ran to my room while my tears continued to fall on my face. I closed and locked my door and I laid on my bed. I cried and cried until I remembered what my mom said.

"Zenitsu always remember that your the most strongest person as long that you believe! So promise mommy that you'll always be strong. I promise that I'll always be there for you even if you don't see me". She said  and smiled weakly. Those were the last words I heard from her before she...

I let my tears fall and went back to the training room.

I promised mom that I'll be strong so I will be.

"You wanna rematch? That's fine I'll just wipe you out again!". He said then laughed

I grinned at the arrogant boy standing in front of me.

I did my best and I won. He wanted a rematch and we fought again. I won again. We probably fought 15 times and I won again and again. I got to tired so I just left him and he was so angry.

Me and Inosuke-kun are the same cause we bought already lost our mother. So that's why we treat each other as brothers.
~Zenitsu's pov~

"Zenitsu-kun are you sure your alright?". Nezuko asked sitting at the other end of the bed

"Yeah I'm fine. Why are you here anyway?". I asked politely and smiled

"I came here to— Wait you just smiled at me! Are you really alright?!". She asked worriedly

"Yeah I told you I'm find so don't fuss. I'm more concerned on why're you here?". I explained

"Zenitsu but I thought you have a personality problem". Tanjiro said

"I do". I replied

"Then why are not cold to Nezuko anymore? You were really cold to her this morning". He explained

"Ughhh fine I'll explain... I'm trying to be nice to Nezuko coz she's your sister. Even though I want her to get out of the room and never go to my sight anymore. But since she's your sister I'll do my best to have a good relationship with her." I explained and Tanjiro nodded while Nezuko blushed lightly. "I only wanted to make it up to you Tanjiro coz you tried to protect me even though me and Inosuke-kun were only fooling around"

"Yeah it was an idiotic thing to do". Inosuke blurted out

"You don't have to force yourself Zenitsu-kun". Tanjiro said and I just nodded


Guys I'll end it here for now. I might not be able to post again within this week coz I'm busy with some stuff at home. Gomene mina-san!

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