RID: Human!Bumblebee x Autobot!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @Leaxreader02
Description: A bit of role switch. Bumblebee is an actual human, the older brother of Russell. The reader is in his place as the Team Leader, and obviously his crush. When the reader decides to confess on a peaceful ride out with Bee, they get jumped by one of Steeljaws mechs. Enjoy!


Those beautful bright (f/c) optics, and that flawless metallic figure. Bee couldn't get enough of your voice either, everything about you is amazing and your Leaderships was also one of many wonders. The dirty blonde haired male kept a close eye on your smiling form, talking to a smaller minicon bot who seemed a bit to friendly for his liking.
Months ago he remembered being cautious around you and the others, watching as you walked around to patrol or talk to his little brother Russell. As time progressed he seen all of the beauty you could be, risking your own life to protect your Cadet Strongarm, Sideswipe and even Grimlock. He seen how easily you could persuade the team to follow your orders, working on each of their strengths to fit into the team. Bee didn't know when he started to fall for you but he knew it was a feeling beyond any other he's felt.
"Bee? Are you alright?" Your vocals shook in a concerned tone, rippling within his eardrums like music. His ocean blue eyes shifted from you then toward his brother smiling and laughing with that same orange minicon.
"Yes... d-do you need help?" Bee gave a weak smile, moving his gaze back up to your kneeling form. The (f/c) colors of your vehicle plating shined within the rays of the sun, gleaming down as if you were an angel.
"Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to go for a ride. It's been awhile since we hung out together," your servo leaned down to gently pet the blonde locks upon his head. He let out a playful chuckle hoping to hide the blush forming on his cheeks, swatting at your hand playfully. He could barely see a glimpse of your own growing smile, already feeling the butterflies lift him higher.
"I would love to, let's go!" He felt your warmth disappear for only a second before hearing your plating shift. Your alt was just as beautiful as your own robotic form, he found it absolutely stunning and elegant in all the right places.
Once he climbed in you had started off slowly leaving the Scrapyard, the radio playing a gentle tune of a few of his favorite songs. Your steering wheel turned toward the right, leading deeper into the forest surrounding the two of you.
"How have you been Bee? I hardly see you around the Scrapyard." Your question made him a little anxious, finding the reason more than just working. He wouldn't admit it but he's been trying hard to stay away from you, worried he'd lose his mind if he was by you constantly.
"I've been working, trying to help dad." His blue eyes shifting out the window, noticing now that the sun was disappearing behind the dark clouds above. Your radio glitched for a second until you hummed, the music dying down so he could hear you speak.
"I hope work is fun. I can always give you a ride if you need, I don't think taking Sideswipe is a good idea." Your playful tone made his cheeks burn, noticing how easily it was for the two of you too converse. He couldn't find a way to answer back, only feeling his heart thump slightly in his chest. The drive was silent, no real destination just enjoying the pitter patter of rain and the soft music playing in the background. After some time he noticed an odd heat against the passenger seat, finally taking his eyes off the road he glanced around your interior and found few details that something was obviously bugging you. Without missing a beat he gripped the seat belt securely around him, gulping down the fear building within his throat.
"(Y/n), are you okay? You just seem a bit off today.." He could feel the heat leave the seat, then slowly return. Bee had his eyes on the review mirror, moving from the outside mirrors then back again. The wait wasn't very long until you pulled off to the side of the road, the gravel radiating through the inside and the rain lifting into light taps against your alt.
"I've been meaning to tell you something Bee," your vocals held a bit of nervousness than your usual tone. He could see the shifting of the mirror to look at him as his cheeks began to heat and his mind race with many thoughts. The young adult wanted to ask for you to continue but he couldn't bring himself to speak, feeling as if he had been paralyzed with fear.
"I've always had a fascination with you, your unlike any human mech I've met. And I hope this doesn't ruin the bond we've grown to-" your voice drifted off, your mirrors shifting to look around outside. Bee could feel his body shift knowing what you were about to say, he couldn't help but persist on you to continue.
"(Y-Y/n) I've been feeling the same way-" Your hushed whisper for him to be quiet cut him off, the rumbling of the ground shaking threw his mind away from his feelings and back into reality. He couldn't tell what was happening, only feeling your vehicle mode behind slammed roughly from the side.
"Well, well lookie who I've got 'ere." An all to familiar accent burned at his ears, fear beginning to weld within his body. Your curses and groan of pain were drowned out by the revving of another engine, and the scraping of metal against metal.
"Bee, I need you to get out now!" Your voice shook with more than worry as your door swung open for him to retreat, but he shook his head refusing to leave you.
"B-But (y/n) I can't-" he stumbled out of your vehicle mode, hearing the crack of the tree you were pinned to.
"J-Just go! I'll hold him off, your safety is all that matters right now." You let out another grunt of pain as the dents began to rip open slightly, allowing a bit of blood to spill from the open wound.
Bee could barely register his legs moving, watching as the trees flew by in a hazy mist of green, grey and white. The rain hit against his hoodie and face roughly, the adrenaline helped the pain not even register. By the time he realized how far he had ran he noticed he was beside a large opening in the forest lining, see the tall grassy lands that barely suited the forest around it. The young adults mind filled with thought of you and how much he wished he could've done more, or helped you in anyway possible but he knew being human left it at a disadvantage of fighting a Decepticon.

You took in a shallowed breathe you didn't need, knowing full well it would take the team awhile to get to where you are. The mech before your lurched forward again, antlers barely nipping at your side causing it to dent the metal. Every beating you took was only for the soul purpose for Bee could get away, he meant absolutely everything to you no matter how hard it was for him to trust you in the beginning.
"Yous quite the (femme/mech), wish I'd known about ya back on Cybertron." His accent thickened as his flirtatious tone made you gag, already knowing of his history in the streets of your home world. You felt blood begin to trickle down your lower derma the rain aiding in it movement, dripping gently down onto your chassie consistently. You knew Thunderhoof was taller and way stronger than you are, knowing even then he could still take you down just like he did with Grimlock...
"What do you want from me?" You stumbled over your footing, barely being able to catch yourself. Your hands gripped a near by tree, hoping to keep your damaged body held up right. The light blue mech scoffed turning to look at the trees surround you two, the road had been lost from how long you had to dodge his attacks.
"What makes ya think I came 'ere for Yous? I've seen the way ya lookin at that human..." his voice was littered with annoyance and tease, those words edged deep into your beating spark. The realization hit you harder than you thought, feeling his horns dig deep into your side with a snarl. The trickle of blue blood drizzled down your dermas and onto his helm, his glossa licked up the few bits that made it to his dramas.
"A shame such a delicate (femme/mech) like yous wastin your time on a skin bag." Thunderhoof pulled away and started moving toward the direction he assumed Bee went, leaving you to cough up your own blood. Your spark pulsed with much needed life, trying to encourage you to get back up no matter how hard it was to keep your helm held up. Your servos scrunched up the damp clumps of dirt as you began to shift your weight toward your legs, then up your back struts to be lifted up right. The only think keeping you alive at a point like this is the fact you'll be able to save Bee, and that's all that mattered.

Bee had collapsed against the mud trying to catch his breathe, hoping to keep his body at a steady pace. He didn't know how long he laid there but when he woke he could hearing the distant rumbling of an engine nearby, his body jolted with hope that you'd come looking for him but as the trees parted he seen the familiar blue highlights of a familiar tractor. The blonde tried to hide himself but was quickly tracked and chased by the Deericon, his adrenaline began to kick in again. His body was already sore from before, he knew he couldn't last very long but just as Thunderhoof had gained on the blonde teen there was a loud crash as the dirt was pulled from the ground beneath him. Bee heard a few grunts then the slamming of metal, and that familiar (f/c) with a few spots of glowing blue.
"Yous still walkin around toots? Primus you're full of surprises." Thunderhoof had been pinned by your own weight, feeling him try to struggle beneath your hold. Your inhales were deep and heavy, trying to keep your body from shutting down from how much damage you had taken. The gashes that littered your body were soaked with that blue liquid, the rain helping to move all along your body in an almost sensual look to Bee. You had blacked out a few times holding down Thunderhoof, hearing the distant sirens going off already knowing it was Strongarm and the others.
"Just keep talking, I'll be sure to shove a hand full of Scraplets down your intake." You huffed, your vents blowing off steam from how hard your metallic body was working to keep awake. Just as you seen the large green Dinobot trudge through the tree lining you knew Bee would be safe, so when you felt Thunderhoof shove his horns into the side of your neckcables you didn't bother to scream in pain. Instead you fell toward Bee, covering up his small form hoping to Primus he won't be covered in blood. The blue mech tried to slamming you off of Bee but you refused to move, taking every slam of his pede until he was tackled by Grimlock. The last few things you could see was the puddle of the glowing blue liquid of blood surround Bee, his blue eyes glowed just like it against your (f/c) optics. He held a hand up to your face, tears spilling down his cheeks at an alarming rate as he called your name over to stay awake. You tried to hold on a little longer, shifting your weight to the side so you would collapse on the young teen. The world hazed together only seeing blue, green and red streaks clouding your vision, but Bee's face was all that stuck out you.


This whole week has been hectic! Sorry for the really late update! Hopefully you enjoyed, this was a really easy idea that the requester made and I love writing it out!

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