Bayverse: Soundwave x Reader

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(Don't own photos)
Requested by: @_Moon_Landing_
Description: Another Bayverse! The reader being so used to toxic and bad relationships ends up falling in love with a Decopticon, finding his own toxic abuse and words amazing in every way. Enjoy!?
(A bit of Mass Displacement? at the end)


You could vividly remember those bittersweet words, every ounce of your human body begged an pleaded for you to forget them. No matter how hard you tried you could hear that deep robotic voice, lulling you into a state you could barely grasp. Those large digits running along the crevices of your very existence, edging its way through the walls you spent years building up. Even that sickening metal bird and tiger found their way to worsen the amount of drugs seeping into your system, sending every call and text to keep you on your toes throughout the weeks that lead up to his show.
You could never escape the constant banter, the usual meetups and the few times those sharp metallic hands wrapped you within its mysterious hold. Even with just his metal platings he was warm, comforting, everything you wanted so desperately to feel forever but to him work was more important. The sound of that engine revving outside always proved he had never forgotten you. It was his way of game, to see how long it would take to drive you toward madness always using those toxic words and actions to fill you with a constant need for his presence. Never have you felt something so strong; not any sort of nicotine, THC, or powder could make a human being feel what you felt.
This metallic alien being found a way to surface any insecurities you held, any sort of emotions, or pent up words. He tricked your gullible mind into thinking he was your source of nourishment, pain, happiness and love. Those bright deep red hues pierced through your barriers of humanity, draining every bit of sanity you had grown to have. Your insecurities were the worst part of this mixed relationship such as self conscious, more anxiety attacks, the fears of him leaving you for his own kind. Bit by bit, since your meetings, he had fed you more and more lies and twisted secrets. Each word laced with tender love, a sickened mind of a Decepticon that you had more than fallen helplessly in love with.
"Do you love me?" Your would always shake with panic, itching at your scalp from nervousness. Those deep red hues would look into your misty (e/c) eyes, his sharp denta shown in a knowing smile down at your smaller form. Instead of answering all you could feel was a sharp long pain down your side, his digits running along your arm in his way of an answer.
"There is no reason to love you, but that does not mean that loving you itself isn't the reason. Light years of galaxies and more than 500 trillion life forms I've seen, and I choose a simple life of a fleshie as a mate for your entire existence. Your death will do us part and the choke of your last heaving words will forever be a lullaby to me, My Love." Then his silver glazed digits would graze along your face with a sickening purr that left your body shivering with more excitement.
You could feel the kisses already beginning to liter your body, his metal dermas pressing against the tender flesh along your plush form. Every few seconds he would let his glossa run along the blood that drripped from the open wound. His gentle touch and that growling robotic voice digging deeply into your skin as he smiled at your vulnerable state. Every single moment leading up to this kept repeating, and how badly you wished to be saved from a pleasant nightmare. Every few second you'd gasp from the nipping on your fairly bruised neck, hearing the few snarls that left his sharp intake. The silver lining of his armor shined from the stars, much like the water rippling with a shiny tint.
Those same nagging questions found there way into the heated moment. Your hand gripped against his now smaller frame plating, hearing his groan of approval as you ground gently against his increasingly heated metallic body.
"S-Soundwave... w-what are we?" The shakiness of your voice lingered in the steamy air, his gentle kisses ceased as he let his forehelm lay against your collarbone. Every second that passed the more you choked with anticipation, adrenaline rushing through your body with how many bitter words he could speak. Suddenly the snap of a metal plate being removed from off of him echoed through the dimly lit lake you sat beside, more heat radiating from below you as he spoke.
"We are an item, a prize, a trophy nothing more and nothing less." His vocals growled deep within your ear, a throbbing sensation began to emit from your lower abdomen. But the digits gripping your throat shown he wasn't done speaking,
"There will be no gatherings to celebrate a moment of bonding, or anything of the sort. You and I, us... we'll privately share our bonding experience here and now..." the pulsing was slowly beginning to be pushed within your body, every sensor in your being began to buzz off in a rhythm that followed his slow sensual movements.
"You are mine (y/n). Human, Autobot or other Decepticons will not be able to feel the pleasures of your body like I have, My Spark." Soundwave let out a loud purr of his engine, clamping his jaw down against your shoulder causing a pained moan to emit within your throat. The already dry blooded cuts and bruises that littered your form was now being coated with a new layer, each warm drizzle of the blood was lapped up by his smooth glossa. The servo that was still wrapped around your throat slightly tightened, the high you were so familiar with began to worsen at the loss of blood being sucked from your body like a slushee. Your mind being clouded with thoughts to the point you could barely register his words ringing in your head but you didn't mind his possessiveness, or the fact of being a sex toy to a alien robot. He made your mind fly higher than the clouds in the atmosphere, and the skillful movement and sharp digits digging gently into your flesh only made you more lenient about your anxieties.
Soundwave was your very drug, his voice, touch everything about this alien made you weak beyond recovery. He was the Reaper and his touch was intoxicating, taking you to another realm no one but you and him dwelled within. He was a toxic you could love, a toxic that would make you lose your right from wrongs and the very thing you once despised. You loved this overly toxic Decepticon and there would be no one to rid you of your new fix.


Hopefully this was ok! Yes a bit of a lime at the end, and a bit of suggestive stuff. Sorry for it being kind of... the way it is.. I tried and it just felt right for this Soundwave.

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