TFP: Optimus Prime x Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @sssappie
Description: Another beautiful request! So I really don't know how to explain this one, except for the reader is having a hard time confessing to Optimus. Hopefully it's to the person who requested this, liking! Please Enjoy!


There was that aching feeling you had every time you were with the Autobot Leader. Nothing could compare to how much you admired him, from the way he encouraged his team to giving simple advice. The aching started a few days after meeting him, the encounter was odd and terrifying.
You being a close friend of Raphael was odd, to say the least, since you were much older than him. Your meeting with Bee was uncomfortable, only due to the fact you were being chased by purple gigantic robotic beings while carrying Raph in your arms while he called for him.
Ever since that day about a year ago you'd be picked up by Bee, or sometimes Optimus since he decided he'd be your guardian. The decision wasn't that hard for him, seeing as how he couldn't shake the feeling to want to protect you. Usually you'd be seated upon his shoulder, listening to him and Ratchet talk about certain things that over time you've learned to comprehend. Sometimes you'd fall asleep snuggled into his neckcables like a little cat, and for some reason he'd always have that feeling in his spark chamber that found it so adorable.

You let out an annoyed sigh while walking out of the school building, you sluggishly brought a hand to your head. Every ounce of energy in your body was gone, you let out another sigh getting into the semi. Optimus noticed your out of character behavior right away, though he didn't want to ask feeling it would scare you if he noticed so soon. You sat in silence the whole drive to the base giving everyone an annoyed glance, surprising a few of them at your odd behavior. You laid on the couch, which was also unusual, doing nothing but watching the other three complain over the racing game, each passing minute more painful than the last. You checked the time to see it wasn't even passed seven o'clock, you let out an annoyed sigh again. When asked what was wrong you ignored their annoying voices and continued to stare at the television screen, everyone could tell something was wrong but they didn't know what.
On the drive home you felt like breaking down while in Bees passenger seat, once Raph was dropped off you burst into tears. All the emotions from throughout the day trailed down your (s/c) cheeks in an endless river of tears, Bee gave a few worried beeps but you ignored his worried comments and continued to cry. Bee having enough of you ignoring everyone asked what was wrong, locking you inside until you told him what was bothering you. You gave a simple explanation that shocked the young scout, even he was surprised at your confession even if it now seemed so obvious. Your explications may have been brief but how much emotion you put into the words also broke his spark, trying to give you words of encouragement knowing the Prime wouldn't do such a thing. You understood his own sadness to your emotions toward the Autobot Leader, still trying to figure out if he would accept or bluntly refuse.
Giving another long sigh you wished the bot well, then opened the door stepping out and slouchingly walking to your front door. Once inside you dragged your feet across the carpet leading into your room, quietly shutting the door and slamming your body into your bed. You turned onto your side pulling your bag from your shoulders and tossed it toward your wall, letting out a sad mumble of your angered thoughts. Laying your head on your hands you started to drift to sleep even though you wanted to stay awake, not realizing how much it took for your body to act so off for a day.
The honking of a horn woke you from your sleep, you were slapped across the back with a pillow. You shot up glancing at the clock then at your family member realizing you'd be late for school, jumping up from bed you got ready not bothering to finish your usual routine.
The school day was annoying, every small noise made you want to scream for them to shut up and no one dared to approach you. Your (e/c) eyes pierced though every person that got in your way, letting a few smart remarks leave your voice box at a few dozen people. Being in a bad mood made time go by slower, but the school day did come to an end which brought you a bit of joy.
Hopping into the blue and red semi, surprised the Leader was picking you up two days in a row. The drive was silent like the day before Optimus still couldn't find the courage to speak, knowing his own personality had changed when he was around you and only you. The second he stopped you jumped out and walked up the stairs to the entertainment area, and slumped on the couch angrily telling Jack to move over. Optimus kept sneaking glances at you every now and again, realizing when you weren't feeling annoyed with anyone you'd have a spaced look in your eyes. He watched as it changed to a sad glazed over look in your (e/c) orbs, and your usual smile wasn't on your face. This little moment brought a pained feeling in his spark once again, he tried to push it down only for it to return much stronger. Not having the usual hyper, adorable you around made him feel even more gloomy even when you glared at him from your spot he wanted to cradle your in his servo to make sure you were okay.
You let your eyes roll annoyed at the Prime staring, only when you asked what he was looking at did he snap from his dazed state to move his baby blues to your (e/c) ones. Realization hit you as you held up your hands in defense apologizing repeatedly to the Leader, just now figuring out you were annoyed and mad for a stupid reason. Tears began to prick at the corners of your eyes staring up at the bot, not noticing one had already slipped down your cheek. The moment felt so unreal as he strode over and gently picked up your form, letting you snuggle into his neckcables as he walked to somewhere private. Bees expression turned from one of shock to a pleased one, having a feeling you'll finally let the confession slip. Even though no one else knew what had just happened they all knew it had something to do with your feelings, feelings that you tried hard to hide from the Prime but not well enough for everyone else to notice.
You felt his servo wrap around your form, taking you away from the comfortable position against his neck as he brought you eye level with him. He asked the simple question on his mind for so long, nervous of how you'll react to his own worried nerves. You wanted to tell him how you've been sad, how you were told if you let it slip that you liked him it'll all end in him being cold and pushing you away. The tears that slipped down your cheeks found there way to gently tap against the metal plating of the bot before you, each one more heart aching than the last. Taking a deep breath in to calm your insides allowing yourself to bring a single digit of his to your face, looking into his optics while letting out an emotionless sigh. You spilled your heart out to him, speaking in different tones and letting your insecurities be slammed onto his servo to see what he'll do with them.
The Primes expression showed shock, feeling the aching from before realizing just what it meant looking into your misty (e/c) eyes. Holding you close he let his own confession slip passed his dermas, giving a reassurance to your worried thoughts allowing himself to open his spark to you. Bringing you back up to cradle you in his neckcables, while you let your tears fall freely now knowing you had nothing to worry about. Letting a hushed whisper passed his dermas while pressing them against your forehead in a loving manner, not brave enough to look into your eyes as he encouraged himself to speak.
After a few silent minutes, he let all his thoughts of you spill allowing the two of you to share a moment of vulnerability. The Prime heard your small voice in his audials even though those words were so soon he couldn't help but be filled with joy. Allowing himself to lay against his berth hearing you mumble sweet nothings into his audials while you drifted to sleep, the Leader sighed happily feeling himself slip into recharge. He spoke softly as not to disturb you, but just loud enough for you to hear feeling all the best emotions imaginable.
"I love you too (y/n), more than you know."


I don't know if this is sad, sweet or confusing. Hopefully y'all understand what happened!

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