Rescue Bots: Blurr x Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @AmorColombria14
Description: Finally a Blurr request!!
The reader happened to eavesdrop on a conversation between Slavage and her boyfriend, and he ends up being an idiot an says something absolutely heartbreaking. Enjoy..?!


You could feel your anger build at the familiar voice of Blurr, the words that left his intake made your also feel sad. Every part of your mind wanted to believe it really wasn't him, but as his voice rang again you knew it was and it hurt more than you'll ever admit.
"Me and (y/n)? No, never. Humans are so.... weird, what makes you think I would like them?" His vocals shook in an awkward laugh, and all you could do was clench your fists in anger. You could feel your legs move on there own, no matter how hard you tried to stop them. You moved out and into the room, watching as Blurr's blue optics locked onto your small figure, they widened in fear.
"Really Blurr?" You could hear your voice crack from heartbreak, wondering if he was just toying with you this whole time. The purple mech had a disturbed look on his faceplates, stuttering out his response pushing passed Salvage toward you. The moment he moved to grab you, you moved back with a disgusted scoff.
"I thought you liked me, but all you did was play with my emotions like some joke. I don't know what I ever saw in you." Your voice broke as tears threatened to fall down your face. Blurr tried to reason with you, not realizing just how much it meant to you or how much you meant to him.
"(Y-Y/n) no that's not what I-" his faceplates were closer to you know, you couldn't control your anger and before you knew it your hand was throbbing in pain.
Salvage stood awkwardly as the scene unfolded before him, his optics widened at your assault to the mech knowing it was mostly his fault for asking a personal question.
It didn't seem to have hurt Blurr that much, but the fact you slapped him made the purple mechs spark break. You didn't show any sign of pain as you growled, letting out an audible huff.
"Not what!? The fact that you would rather deny our relationship like it disgusts you, rather than admit we're together!" You turned toward the elevator, pushing away his servos disgusted with yourself and him. Just as the elevator began to move down your eyes locked with his baby blue optics one last time, as they begged with all there light for you to stay.
"You said you wanted this relationship more than I did but I guess your pride is bigger than your spark, if you had one."
You could see the pain turn into anger, his optics going ice blue. His arms crossed as he put on his best act, which obviously fooled you from how serious his voice got.
"Well what do I care, I have better things to worry about than some foolish human." His vocals shook in a monotone, shoving his digit into your chest making you stumble into the open elevator. Salvage quickly pulled back the mech, his own optics full of worry and disappointment. Before the neon mech could speak there was an audible sob that left the small space of the elevator, their optics watched as tears fell down your cheeks. Blurr could feel his processor scream at him and his spark ache, he reached out for you realizing his mistake.
"Primus (y/n), I didn't mean to say that!" His vocals shook with pain, but the elevator door shut as your sobs echoed in his helm. Blurr felt so stupid, wondering why he said something that wasn't true. He tried to piece together why he was always making mistakes that ruined the best things in his life, and you were more than anything he ever had in his whole cycles. You always stuck with him no matter what he said, he was so amazed at how easily you soothed him. The amazing things you said to encourage him, every ounce of your love was put into his spark and he was foolish enough to let his pride get the best of him.
"Why would you hurt (y/n), you know better than to harm a human Blurr." Salavage' vocals brought the mech out of his helm. His baby blue optics looked into his friends, he couldn't control the immense pain he felt lashing out at the larger mech.
"What do you know!? If it wasn't for you I, I could've-could've-primus I'm such an idiot!" Blurr cupped his helm, feeling every ounce of his metallic body fail him. Salavage let out a deep sigh, gently patting his friend backstrut.
"It was my fault for asking such a personal question." The neon mech could feel Blurr shake under his touch, watching as he looked up at him with lubricant brimming at the edge of his optics.
"It's all my fault. (Y/n) was the best thing to happen on this mudball and I ruined it, all because of my stupid cybertronian pride!"

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