Reacue Bot Team x Elven!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @Estellethegreek
Description: LoTR and Rescue Bots, a combination I've never seen! Reader and Doc Greene have known each other for awhile, although when he decides to work on the machine that allows him to talk to the reader it teleports them into his world. Enjoy????


Doc Greene gasped as electricity began to jolt around the lab, many things erupted with smoke and a static hiss. His daughter didn't seem to fazed by it, but something in the pit of her stomach made her body tense up. A very bad feeling about toying with a machine to do with time really scared her, the thought of Morocco coming to surface.
"Daddy! Look out!" Within seconds the lab erupted in smoke, coating everything in a hazy black mist. Francine could hear the faint crackle of a fire beginning to break out, she quickly pulled out her phone to ring Cody. Her body shook as she called for her dad once again, her hand twitching from the amount of adrenaline rushing through her veins.
"D-Daddy! Where are you?" The young female teen was quickly drawn from her worry as the familiar tone of her friend chimed in. His voice soothing her racing heart, barely being able to contain her constant inhales realizing just how hard it was to breathe.
"The lab, it's on fire. I can't find dad, h-he's-Cody please hurry!" Francine could barely take another inhale of air, pacing herself to reach the door. Just as she opened it she could hear the faint worried sound Cody had held, only seeing a more dark shadow emerging from the hazy mist of smoke hoping it was her dad as she collapsed.

Francine woke with a jolt, gasping for much needed air that still burned her lungs. Her misty black colored eyes scanned the face in front of her, barely being able to register the blonde strands tickling her face. The young teen let out a cough that burned at her throat and chest, hearing the drowned out sounds of voices around her. Cody held tightly onto her, gently wiping back the loose strands of hair hoping his friend would be alright.
"W-Where's daddy?" Francine's voice was croaky, Cody barely even being able to understand it. His light brown eyes glanced up toward the smoking lab, watching as Kade and Heatwave put out the flames that reached the entrance. Boulder, Chase and Graham trying to fill buckets of water to help, while Blades stood back to see if Francine needed a hospital run.
"We'll get him out, the bots are working on it." Cody held Francine still, his own dad and his sister sat around him.
Dani re-checking Francine for any major injuries, finally deciding it would be best to take her to the hospital even though she refused to do so without her dad. Just as Danielle began to lift up the teen, she could hear the chatter of her brothers and the bots growing. Her own light brown eyes wandered to the smoking air, noticing the faint silhouette emerging from the entrance.
"D-daddy!" Francine called, her voice breaking in tones as she tried her best to reach out toward the figure. But her gaze widened, watching as an oddly dressed, but still very (fe/male) emerged from the dark smoke. Their grip was tight against the lab coated dark skinned male, his body laid limply across (her/his) back shoulder as they stepped out and into the cleared area. Francine could barely register what was happening, her vision blurring together as her fear began to drown out at the figure before her. The others around her began to mist together, creating an image she could no longer register.
"Who's that with d-daddy..." Francine took one last inhale before blacking out. Her body limped into Dani, causing the female to almost topple over, her gaze still fixed on the figure carrying Doc Greene.
Their (e/c) eyes flowed with an odd glint, their hood seemed like that from a fairytale and those beautiful features only proved her point. Her brothers gasped at the sight, noticing just how odd this person looked. Just as the figure set down Doc Greene it finally noticed the robots, and the Burns family. In an instant a bow was in hand, the quiver behind their back rattled with their hands pulling out an arrow. (Her/his) (s/c) hands pulled back the string, the arrow sitting perfectly in place as (s/he) guided their aim towards the taller towering figures. Their body looming over that of Doc Greene, seemingly protecting the scientist from any harm that could befall him.
"W-Who is that?" Cody could barely breathe out, trying to piece together their attire and everything else between. Just as Dani was about to speak, Doc Greene began to cough frantically while Frankie began to do so as well.
Chief Burns watched as your body moved down to touch the Doc's face, bringing your fingers to check his pulse. The sound of your voice caught him off guard, realizing just how different it sounded from any voice he's ever heard in his life time. It was smooth like silk, filled with so much mystery and delight.
"Doc Greene, Francine." Your voice shook just above a whisper, pulling back your arrow and aiming it at the larger figure of the red mech beside you. The odd robotics figure didn't seem scared at your arrow drawn back, you seemed to have no means of harm but that glint in your eyes proved the others wrong. You had a steal gaze turning toward Dani, whom held Francine, the look you gave her would've made her drop dead if it wasn't for that barrier of worry glinting in between.
"Step away from Francine," your voice boomed throughout the still air, making few flinch while you pointed directly at Dani. Her light brown eyes widened at your fingers beginning to loosen on the string, and within seconds the slight sound of an echoing bob filled the air. The clanking of metal against concrete proved just how easily you could've shot her, your arrow sticking from outside the plastic that withheld the water. Dani could feel her eyes become misty with tears, knowing if you wanted to kill her you would have.
"I said step away from Francine Greene." Your voice boomed once again, pilling out another arrow that seemed sharper than the last. Everyone was in a standstill, if the bots moved you would harm anyone of their human companions. Chief Burns stood in front of Dani and Frankie, his hands out stretched his dark brown eyes a hazy mist of worry and determination. His sleek grey hairs were slightly coated with sweat, as he took a deep inhale from the amount of hostility in the air.
"H-Hello, I am Chief Burns-" he instantly shut his mouth at the dagger that flew passed him, edging into the plastic of the container again. It stuck perfectly beside the arrow, your eyes filled with more rage as you stood up and over Doc Greene. Heatwave was having enough of your games, but as he reached out to grab you another dagger slammed roughly against his servo. His body tensed as he flinched back from the amount of force it took, but before he could say anything a croaky voice called your name.
"(Y-Y/n), it's okay. T-Their friendly, they just want to help. P-Please, m-my daughter." Doc Greene gently placed a hand against your foot, the fabric tussled as you moved down to help him up. Within seconds you were beside his teen daughter, glancing around at the people and larger robotic beings. Dani began to check over Doc Greene keeping a close eye on you, watching as your more than historical robe attire swiveled together. She realized just how captivating it was to see you sit beside the Greene family, watching intently as she did her work not breaking a sweat from the dark colored robes you wore.
"So your names (y/n)..." Cody tried to start a conversation with you, and just as he glanced at you your gaze was already staring at him. Your hands found their way toward his hair, tickling against the soft strands as you moved to wrap your arms around him.
"You are a friend of Francine's, and I am deeply sorry for how unwell she is." You moved back to sit beside Doc Greene, your robe swaying gently as the wind began to pick up. The clouds over head shielded you from any hope of ever find a way back home, knowing his broken universal devise could never return you back to your time. But you knew you would try your hardest to adjust if it meant protecting Doc Greene's family, even these odd more advanced technological men would be worth the new way of life.


This might have been a joke buuut I fkin did it. Boom! Anyway, I spent an entire week on what the heck to do, and tried to keep it at my usual 1500 words and I say it ended well. Hopefully it was ok, might be trash but I tried.

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