Bayverse: Autobot Team x NASCAR Racer!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @ThunderBlade16
Description: So, this request was kind of hard but I think it turned out okay! So you're a racer, practicing by racing Bee. This includes everyone from the second movie! Hopefully you enjoy....


You boosted yourself out the car window, a bright smile on your face as you slipped off the helmet, you glanced over at the yellow and black striped Camero.
"I win again Bee!" You were gently pulled out of the (f/c) Chevrolet race car by said mech. You held onto his digits to balance yourself while still holding your helmet under your other arm.
"I let you win." The mixed radio voices made you smirk glancing up at him, then back over at the rest of the teammates by the two of you.
"That's what you always say," Ironhide gently shoved the yellow mech but not to hard to make sure he didn't harm you. You waved up at the bot, as Bee shoved him back.
"Yeah (Y/n) clearly kicked your tailpipe!" Mudflap laughed, while Skids laughed along with him.
"Your ass was beat by a human! Pussy!" The sudden slam from the yellow bot made you cringe, watching as Skids flew into Mudflap. You looked back over at Ironhide smiling,
"How did you get in?" You questioned but stopped realizing it was a dumb question,
"Never mind, I forgot it's the same place all the cars get it." You shook your head covering your face, Bee walked over to were your bag was. You jumped off his hand and pulled out your water bottle taking a long swig. You could hear the heavy steps upon the ground, you glanced over seeing the medic, Ratchet. You could already feel him scanning your form, he gave you a glance looking down at you he brought his helm close to you.
"I do believe you need some rest. Your vitals aren't agreeing to what you're doing." You weren't really surprised, Ratchet has always told you all these major things that you've tried to improve on. You nodded up at the medic smiling,
"I've been trying, it's just I want to be here with you guys. My friends, family." You could see the unamused look upon his face but he nodded, before going over to Bumblebee. Ironhide stood beside you before unhinging his canons, starring down at you.
"Wanna see my canons? I added a few new things to 'em." You smiled up at him, knowing he didn't know how else to start a conversation with you. Before you could speak a familiar voice echoed through the stadium, making a chill go down your spine.
"(Y/n)." You stumbled over to Optimus, who had a gentle smile upon his face. You were so excited you forgot just how tired you were. You stumbled almost falling forward and face-planting, but a large servo saved you from the fall on the asphalt. You were brought up to his faceplates, he had a look of worry on his features.
"Are you-" you quickly cut him off trying not to get touchy on your health.
"I'm fine, just so cramped in my car. Number (lucky #) my baby ha-ow!" You held onto your head letting out a pained groan, Optimus had a major look of concern upon his faceplates but didn't bug you further.
"Sam is here to take you home to rest up for the races this week." His voice was soft and gentle but you nodded giving your best smile, feeling him set you down. You were suddenly surrounded by Arcee, Elita-one and Chromia.
"We seen you racing Bee!" Elita-one smiled over at you, gently picking you up. You could feel Chromia put a (f/c) hat upon your head, (lucky #) in the center.
"You should try racing Arcee! She's the fastest besides Sideswipe." You could feel Arcee gently set you down away from the two sisters that had held you for so long. She playfully ruffled your hair, giving a wink.
"If Sideswipe taught me anything it's speed, but I can't compare to him. Though I would love to see you two race." She pushed you along toward said mech, who sat in his vehicle form by the exit you needed to go to. You gave her your own playful wink doing finger guns running off, not realizing the conversation between the group behind you. You stumbled over to Sideswipe narrowly catching yourself from tripping, the silver mech had lifted you up giving you a smile.
"You're pretty fast for a human. Mind if I take Bees place next time?" You could hear the challenge in his voice, you gave a shake of your head while playfully pushing him away.
"Nah! You'll kick my ass, and you know it!" You could feel his metallic body rumble, he set you down giving a nudge out toward the exit,
"I guess we'll see (y/n)! Be careful on your way back, be sure not to pass out like you did before." You blushed realizing what he meant remembering how you were so sleep deprived and achey you had fallen asleep leaning against Bumblebee, waiting for Sam to come pick you up. You quickly rushed off, still in your (f/c) racing suit. As you made your way out into the empty parking lot you could see Sam leaning against Bee who your hadn't noticed left the stadium.
"You okay? You look tired, more than usual." His voice was laced with worry as Mikaela stood beside him having the same expression. You gave the two a hug each in one arm, snuggling into their forms sighing.
"I'm okay, just need to rest. Ratchet said so," you gave a playful glance to Sam who sweat dropped at the mention of the medic, Mikaela shared the same expression, the two moved aside allowing you to get into the car but a firm hand pulled you back and into a firm chest.
"Don't forget us Kiddo." The familiar voice of Lennox filled your ears, you smiled at the comforting hug. Pulling away to hug another darker male,
"So how's your baby girl? She looked so adorable last time I seen her." Lennox blushed at the question before pulling up a picture of his daughter, you began fan-girling still being in the grip of Epps. Said male pulled away ruffling your (h/c) hair, while glancing over at the picture of Lennox and his daughter.
"Glad to see you two ignoring me." You playfully pushed his shoulder, smiling glancing over at the two then down.
"So, are you guys going to be at my races this week?" You could see them stiffen but they both smiled down at you, giving you a nod.
"Yeah, only for awhile. Gotta make sure we take a good break with our families." You could see Epps nudge Lennox, you gave a chuckle turning back to Bee.
"Well I'll see you guys here tomorrow, until then you two have fun on your days off!" You climbed in, feeling your hand cramp quickly falling roughly into the leather seat, the four gasped about to ask but you allowed yourself to slump letting out a yawn to hide your embarrassment and pain. They all chuckled at your behavior before Mikaela and Sam hopped into the car. The ride was long, since you lived on the outskirts of the city. They tried to give small hints for you to take a break from racing but you paid them no mind. When the car came to a halt you shot up crawling out of the Comero,
"I'll see you guys at the Stadium tomorrow! Be sure to record it for my fans at base!" You tripped over the side walk landing on your side, recovering by turning over and winking at them as they held in their laughter,
"Totally meant to do that! See you tomorrow!" You stood and ran inside, but stopped turning around for your bag an helmet that Mikaela held out the window. You gave an awkward chuckle before quickly running inside taking off your suit and running into your bathroom starting up the bath. You allowed your body to relax in the warm water, feeling the aches go away. You began to reflect back on the passed year, how you met the Autobots.
The day you met Sam was the worst, he was so excited to meet you because he had been a fan for a long time. You could still hear his excited voice in your head, and when Mikaela asked you questions about your car. You remember the yellow Camero transforming around you when a Decepticon tried to attack Sam. The whole situation was scary but to find out that centiant beings from another world admired you as a racer was amazing. Aliens from another planet found your racing entertaining, though they thought it was just sitting in a car and pushing down a pedal. You could recall showing Bumblebee how he can drive faster, using a trick you learned from your boss who was an ex-racer himself. Sideswipe found you more entertaining because you were faster than most of the other teams, even though you never always got in first you still managed to stay in the top 5 throughout the seasons.
"I've come a long way... mom... dad." you mumbled feeling tears brim at the edge of your eyes, remembering the smile on your dad and moms face when you told them you found your place in the world, racing. You could remember your dads voice, he reminded you much of Optimus. And Elita was like you mother. And the rest of the team was like your siblings, you began to cry gently shaking, rippling the waters surface. Smiling at your journey through the last three years, but mostly proud of being able to meet the Autobots.
"(Y/n)?" You could hear your name being called from outside, you shot up from your bath quickly hopping out and drying off.
"(Y/n)!? Come on girlie!" The familiar voice of Arcee filled your ears, you glanced outside seeing it was dark, except for the familiar lights along your fence. You changed into a baggy t-shit and shorts, running outside through the back door.
"What is going o-" you walked out to see the whole team smiling down at you, you could see them all huddled together. Bee had a cake in his palm, Sam and Mikaela on his shoulders while Lennox and Epps were standing beside them.
"Happy birthday!" They all spike in dunce, you could feel your body tense about forgetting it was your birthday. Tears from before began to trail down your cheeks as you fell to your knees, beginning to go into a crying panic. They all seemed surprised at the usual happy go lucky hyper (y/n), seeing you cry made their hearts and sparks ache.
"A-Are you okay?" You could barely hear Elita's voice as she gently rubbed your back, you jumped into her arms crying loudly.
"I-I'm just so happy! I love you guys." You could hear their sighs of relief while Ironhide spoke for the rest of them,
"Thought maybe you hated surprises." You allowed a pained laugh to fill the air as you stood walking toward the team.


I don't know much about NASCAR but uh I feel it's tiring and kind of time consuming. Hopefully it was okay to the person who requested... maybe! Sorry it was kind of sad at the end.

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