Chapter 65: Final Destination

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The next day, Zatel has recovered from his incident with Heliolisk and is in his room at the Pokémon center, sitting on the bed as he stares up at the white ceiling, tossing an empty pokéball up and down while Luxray and Rio sleep beside him.

"Heh... I can't believe our journey is almost over..." Zatel ponders as he glances down at Rio and Luxray, cuddled together. "It feels... just like yesterday that it started. Yet here I am over a year later." Zatel turns back to the ceiling suddenly remembering the events with Syn, before his mind turns to his school bully.

I wonder how he turned out... I hope he's better than he was. Zatel gets some mixed feelings as he thinks about the bully. I guess I'll never know. No point in worrying about it... it's the past now after all.

"Surprise pillow attack!" A pillow comes from behind Zatel, slapping him across the face before being smothered on him.

"Wah! What's on me!?" Zatel rapidly starts trying to shove the pillow off him for a minute making him drop the Pokéball he's holding as it creates a small thud sound bouncing on the ground stopping after a couple bounces. Pausing he realizes it's just a pillow then pulls it down after looking up and seeing Uxie floating above him laughing.

"Oh... Hi Uxie... what was that for?" Uxie hums for a second, then shrugs.

"I don't know. I just heard it was something you humans did for fun." Zatel chuckles slightly before sitting up more as he grabs a nearby pillow.

"Oh, it's fun alright. Especially when you hit harder." Zatel goes to throw the pillow he's holding at Uxie, only to freeze right before letting go as he sees Uxie surrounded by several more pillows floating in the air around them. "Or... um... maybe not...." Zatel drops the pillow he's holding as it lands right on Rio's face making Rio reach out and grab the pillow before starting to cuddle with it, which in turn causes Luxray to shift and cuddle with Rio thinking the pillow is one of their children. Uxie drops their pillows, looking at Zatel with their normal expression.

"So... what's going on for today then? Another day of cringe with Terra and Sylveon?" Uxie questions.

"Most likely... I'm not sure though, Terra and I still need to discuss what we are going to do next. The most logical move will be to work our way towards the Pokémon league by going through Victory Road." Uxie folds their arms.

"Victory CAVE more like it." Zatel looks down and notices the Pokéball on the ground then up to Uxie.

"Hey Uxie... There is still one thing I've been meaning to ask but keep forgeting." Uxie tilts their head.

"What?" Zatel closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them and looking at Uxie.

"About... the conditions you had... to catch you... all those months ago. Will you... will you let me catch you now?" Uxie looks at Zatel for a minute, then looks down at the pokéball.

"Zatel? Can I see that pokéball?" Zatel reaches down and picks it up his heart starting to thump against his chest as he holds it out to Uxie while swallowing what feels like a rock down his throat.

"Here... you go." Uxie holds it with their psychic powers, looking at it for a second before looking back at Zatel.

"Zatel, do you know why I always keep my eyes closed?"

"No?~." Uxie holds the pokéball in their hand for a second while looking at Zatel.

"It's because if I do open my eyes, anyone that looks at them has the potential to have their memory wiped. You can forget anything from a range of five seconds ago to when you were born. That's the reason so many don't like being near me or finding me." Zatel looks at Uxie a little horrified as he clutches onto a nearby blanket with his right hand before calming himself.

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