Chapter 63: Restitution

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Zatel blinks his eyes open while he sits up in his sleeping bag while he stretches his arms. Zatel looks around as he makes sure everyone is still in the tent. Luxray is still sleeping next to Rio as they rest their heads on each other while Ruby and Ariel sleep on either side of Rio and Luxray. Zatel yawns as he smiles while getting out of his warm sleeping bag, as he goes outside and over to Terra's Tent opening it as he peaks in and see's Terra holding onto Sylveon while she does likewise. Nova is also asleep, holding onto Terra's head with his paws. Trixie sees Zatel poke his head in, then freezes, getting a nervous grin as she stares at him.

"H-Hey... uh... I wasn't... about to pounce on Terra or anything...." Zatel stares at Trixie for a minute, before getting a suspicious look.

"Uh huh... well, whatever. Hey Terra wake up. It's time... to get going. I'll... I'll start cooking some breakfast." Terra groans, blinking his eyes open before turning and raising his head to see Zatel. Terra pulls his hands back, then starts rubbing his eyes.

"Don't tell me it's eight o'clock please...."

"It's not." Zatel responds as he looks down at his watch. "It's eight o three. So, you got three extra minutes." Terra groans again, pushing himself up until he sits up.

"This is why I prefer waking up when its early afternoon...." Terra sees Trixie out of the corner of his eyes, making Trixie turn her attention to Terra. She stares at Terra for a minute before sweating a little bit.

There goes my plans of pantsing Terra. Although.... Trixie looks over at Zatel, then quickly leaps at him, biting his pants before pulling them down, revealing that Zatel is wearing Mega Lucario themed underwear. Zatel shrieks as he tries covering his lower body with his arms as his face starts getting extremely red and hot. He glares over at Trixie, who gives a mischievous grin before walking off towards Zatel's tent. Sylveon and Nova shift a little bit, but then relax and remain motionless. Terra stares for a couple of seconds, then looks up at Zatel's face.

"Really?" Terra questions with a face of mixed emotions. Zatel darts his head back towards Terra as he starts chuckling nervously.

"Y-Yeah.... S-So what... I bet your wearing Sylveon themed underwear!" Terra's expression goes blank, then he looks down at Sylveon and starts to nudge her a little bit.

"Hey, hey Sylveon, get a load of this." Zatel gets a horrified look a he frantically tries pulling his pants, only to continue fumbling with them. Sylveon starts to stir, slowly opening her eyes before turning her head back to Terra.

"Get a what?" Terra points over towards the flap at the front of the tent. Sylveon raises her head up, seeing Zatel still fumbling with his pants and seeing his underwear. Sylveon stares for a couple of seconds, then starts snickering loudly.

"And here I thought I'd only get to see Terra drop his pants." Terra and Zatel both get red before Terra grabs Sylveon by her mouth, forcing her to stop laughing. Sylveon stares at Terra, then looks over at Zatel, then manages to get a grin visible from Terra's hand. Nova starts to stir as well from the commotion, blinking his eyes before standing up and shaking his head. Zatel finally gets a hold of his pants, pulling them up before exiting Terra's tent quickly. Zatel walks over and grabs his pack and starts setting up for breakfast, while he tries calming his ever-reddening face. Nova turns his head around, looking around the tent before looking at Terra and Sylveon.

Dad? What was that noise? Terra tenses up, releasing Sylveon before turning his head around.

"That was uh... Zatel, coming to wake us u-" Sylveon grabs Terra's head with her paws, turning it enough for her to plant a kiss. Nova's eyes widen before quickly burying himself under the blanket.

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