Chapter 36: Roark

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Terra wakes up in his room with Sylveon and Solaria with Luxray laying on top of Terra's lap. Terra starts to sit up, reaching forward and starts scratching Luxray's mane. She shifts a little bit, groaning as she starts to wake up.

"Hey Luxray, you feeling any better from yesterday?" Luxray goes to growl softly, but it turns into a groan as Terra keeps scratching the back of her neck. Terra chuckles a little bit, then sits up straight.

"Come on, let's go see how your egg is doing. Rio was a little worried about you yesterday." Luxray gets a little red, then stands up and stretches, yawning as she hops off the bed. Terra gets out as well, leaving Solaria and Sylveon asleep on the bed as they exit the room. Walking to the next door, Terra knocks on the door lightly, then cracks it open a little bit.

"Zatel? You awake yet?" Terra whispers. The air goes still for a couple seconds, then Terra opens the door some more as Luxray pokes her head in, seeing both Zatel and Rio asleep. She gets a devious grin as she slips in as Terra follows. Luxray is about to prepare herself to pounce, but then sees Rio holding the egg. She stops herself, groaning softly that her privilege had been denied. She stares at the egg for a minute, then Terra looks down at Luxray.

"If you wake him up, he might let you hold the egg for a while." Luxray looks up at Terra, then at Rio before getting an idea and grinning.

"Oh, I'll wake him up alright." Luxray walks forward, getting closer to Rio's head as she stares at him for a minute, then leans her head in and bites his appendage. Rio's eyes shoot open as he raises his head, sleepily and goes to say something, only for Luxray to quickly let go of his appendage and go for his lips instead. Rio's vision clears as he sees Luxray kissing him making him pull back instinctively from the shock as he stares at Luxray for a minute, blinking his eyes before grinning himself as he goes back in for another. Terra restrains himself from smirking as he pulls out his phone and hits record. He starts to back up slowly as to not alert Rio, then sinks around the corner as he keeps the phone exposed at the doorway, still recording Luxray and Rio making out. A couple minutes go by with Luxray on top Rio now, still kissing him as Zatel now holds the egg after Luxray pushed Rio on his back. A groan is heard from Zatel.

"Rio... can you... quiet down please...?" Zatel moans as he starts peaking his eyes open. Rio immediately pulls back from Luxray, before quickly throwing her off the bed.

"Quick! Hide!" Rio tells Luxray. "Please! I don't want Zatel seeing... that." Rio says. Luxray grins before crawling underneath the bed, leaving her tail exposed as Rio looks up at Zatel not noticing her tail.

"Rio... oh.... You're awake now." Zatel says sitting up, looking down he notices he now holding the egg. "Oh... how did I end up with the egg?" Zatel asks Rio. Rio gets a little nervous.

"Oh... I umm... Gave it to you after I woke up." Rio says lying.

"Oh... thanks, it's so warm..." Zatel says hugging the egg as he looks down he notices Luxray's tail coming from under the bed. "You know Luxray is here right?" Rio quickly looks where Zatel is, then starts sweating a little as he looks back at Zatel.

"She is!?" Rio asks acting surprised looking back down at Luxray's tail. "You know, I bet she was just trying to sneak up on me again." Rio says turning to Zatel again as Luxray crawls out from under the bed looking up at Rio with a grin. Terra casually walks by, then looks in Zatel's room.

"Oh hey, you're awake." Terra then looks over at Luxray, trying hard not to smile. "So that's where she went. Shouldn't surprise me by this point." Luxray perks herself up on the bed, getting right next to Rio's ear.

"If you wanted to throw down, you could have just said so." Luxray whispers in Rio's ear. Rio's breath becomes caught in his throat, as his face grows an exceedingly dark red, making Zatel tilt his head in confusion.

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