Chapter 4: A Different Side

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As Terra and Zatel start towards Route 204, rain starts to hit them as they just barely begin the travel. Terra walks through it without showing much strain. Zatel is holding his backpack over his head to shield his eyes from the rain, while Rio walks next to him, jumping a few feet every time thunder cracks.

"This rain feels like a second bath, expect with loud noises added." Rio complains to both Terra and Zatel. Jumping as thunder cracks above them.

"Well, I could get your shampoo out. If that's what you want" Zatel shouts over the rain.

"Hey! That's my line!" Terra counters. "Whatever, mood's gone, and my line is stolen."

"No! That's not what I meant!" Rio complains even further.

"Now that I think about it, I do have some soap." Another loud crack of thunder appears. Rio looks at Terra annoyed.

"Don't you dare! That stuff feels so weird!" Terra looks around and sees a path to follow through the rainstorm.

"Well, like it or not, we're all getting baths at this point." Terra said.

"is it just me or has the storm gotten worse in the last 10 minutes?" Zatel asks looking up at the clouds. Terra puts up his arm as the wind throws more rain in his face.

"Well, Nurse Joy did say it could get worse." Terra said. "But either way, I'm still pushing through this. I've been through a LOT worse!"

"Define worse." Zatel states with rain dripping off his backpack and onto his face.

"Oh, I've been through blizzards, even a couple hurricanes." Terra said. "They're not so scary the second time."

"Ok, that's definitely worse" Zatel agrees.

"You're dang right they're worse." Terra said. "Now come on, I see some trees a little further up that can shield us." Zatel follows Terra into a small grove of trees, sitting under a larger one in the middle.

"Please don't punch this one down. We need it." Terra looks at Zatel and half smirks.

"Hey, if it looks at me funny, I just might." Terra gets beside a tree of his own, sheltering himself for a minute as he looks around. "Sheesh, how big is this route? The other one wasn't nearly as long!"

"Well, we were running for most of that route." Zatel reminds looking up and seeing it turning dark. "Guess were camping here for the night. No use in trying to navigate through this storm in the dark of the night." Zatel opens his back pack and pulls out the tent he bought. Terra looks over and sees that it is starting to get darker. He growls a little bit, then pounds his fist on the tree.

"Of course I forgot about time! I take everything else into factor BUT time!" Terra sighs agitated as he turns back and sees Zatel setting up the tent. "Whatever, just make sure that the tent can-" Terra stops as he thinks he heard something over the wind. He turns his head back towards where the noise was, but can't quite tell where, or even if the sound was real or not.

"Well, we did leave sometime after noon." Zatel says he's finishing setting up the tent.

"Shut up for a second." Terra said. Terra listens some more, hearing the rain and the wind roar as the storm gets progressively worse. He keeps staring out, scanning the place, trying to see if he was just hearing things.

"Why?" Zatel looks over and notices Terra looking around. "Did you hear something?"


"Okay, Okay. If you find anything, I'll be in the tent." Zatel says getting inside the tent. Rio follows him lying down next to Zatel as he rolls out a sleeping bag. Terra keeps looking out in the rain, then as he's about to dismiss what he thought he heard, he hears it again, this time louder. Terra's attention focuses on one spot that the noise came from. Terra looks back at the camp, then back at where the noise came from before leaving the tree and going towards the noise. As he leaves the tree, the wind hits him hard, almost making him slide a little as he keeps slowly walking in one direction. He gets past some smaller trees, but then sees some trees that have been knocked over. Terra looks over them for several seconds as the wind pushes harder and another strike of lightning strikes nearby. Terra flinches, looking around and seeing if it hit a tree near him.

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