Chapter 53: Repercussions

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Zatel moans as he struggles to open his eyes. After several attempts, he finally forces them open, only to find himself lying in a hospital bed. Looking around the room, he notices it's pretty empty expect for another bed. The room smells faintly of disinfectant and lemons. Zatel stares out the window in front of him and notices it's dark outside.

"What... what happened?" Zatel scratches his head as he tries recalling everything. "I was... in a battle... a gym battle... Yeah, with Terra... we were fighting... Candice?... How'd I end up here? And...." Zatel pauses realizing someone's missing. "Where's Rio!?" Blurts out. Zatel starts looking around the room until he lays his eyes on the second bed, a couple feet from him with a familiar looking figure in it the dark room making it hard to see. Squinting his eyes, he makes out Rio's muzzle then his eyes, head and ears. Sighing Zatel lays back down looking up at the ceiling.

"Where's Terra? I need to know what happened. Everything's... so fuzzy." Zatel sits up. "I need to find him." Looking at his hands he notices a small heart rate monitor on his finger, taking it off, he attempts to get out of bed only for his legs and upper chest becoming unresponsive. "Why can't I move!" Zatel starts trying harder, as he furrows his brow and tries exerting all his mental energy to his legs. After several minutes he gives up laying back down in the bed with a sigh.

"I wish Terra or someone was here to help...." The door to the room opens up as some footsteps are heard. A doctor in a white coat walks by, stops, then continues walking until he sees that Zatel is awake.

"Oh... you're awake.... How do you feel?" The doctor asks.

"I feel fine... expect for the fact I can't move my body." Zatel replies before sighing. The doctor looks at a clipboard in his hand as he flips a page.

"Well, there is something we can do about that, but I think rest should be the best option for right now." Zatel looks up at the doctor pleading.

"But... I just woke up, and I have no clue how I got here. I need to find Terra!"

"Well, we could try electro-shock therapy, but I'd need to get-" The doctor stops as the door opens up again. The doctor stares for a minute before looking back at Zatel. "Never mind, we can do it right away."

"Great! Let them in! I need to get out of this bed!" Some soft patter is heard before a black scalp peeks into Zatel's vision. Zatel blinks his eyes, as he tries sitting up to get a better view. He looks over the edge of the bed and sees Heliolisk standing next to the doctor.

"Oh! Heliolisk! Thank you! Did Tyranitar tell you to do this?" Heliolisk stares at Zatel, a muscle on her head now pulsing and twitching as she gets visibly irritated. Heliolisk starts to crack with some electricity as she looks up at Zatel. The doctor takes the clipboard and puts it under his arm.

"I'll just sit here and make sure it's done correctly." Heliolisk growls, staring irritated at the doctor before sighing. The doctor walks over to a closet and pulls out a small machine, with various pads connected to some wiring coming from the device, the doctor sets it down on a table he pulls out before grabbing some towels as well. Then helps Zatel roll over onto his back, pulling his shirt up, as he places the small towels on different sections of his back, before placing the wired pads on top of them.

"Alright, were all set. All you need to do is provide the electricity to power it." The doctor turns to Heliolisk who nods her head, understanding the doctor before sending out a steady jolt of electriticty towards the machine as it turns on, Zatel instantly starts twitching and flinching as the machine sends small jolts of electricity throughout his body.

"AAGGH!" Zatel groans as his body twitches and relaxes uncontrollably. After a few minutes it the doctor tells Heliolisk to stop as he goes to take the pads and towels off.

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