Chapter 70: Before the Storm

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 Zatel and the group wake up the next morning, as Zatel is finishing cleaning up breakfast. While Luxray, and Rio are busy in the living room playing with their kids. He glances at the clock and sighs, seeing its eight-thirty.

"Just a few more hours until I battle Terra..." Zatel reaches back and pulls out a few of his pokeballs. Particularly Torterra, Gliscor, and the Sandslash he's been traded. Taking a breath, he opens the back door walking to a grassy area next to the small battle field to the side, throwing out Torterra, who lands on the ground with a thud, looking directly at Zatel.

"Hey Torterra. How are you feeling about today's battle?" Torterra lets out a loud roar.

"Am I going to be battling against Tyranitar? Please tell me I am! I want to show him just how strong i've grown!" Zatel smiles as he pats his head.

"Well, you do have two type advantages against him, so it would make sense. But you'd have to watch out for his Ice Fang. Guess the best way would be to keep a safe distance from him." Torterra snorts somewhat as he looks the other way.

"I'd just like to see him try it." Zatel chuckles, as he thinks back to the first day he met Torterra as a Turtwig.

"You've come a long way since being a itty bitty Turtwig you know." Zatel stops laughing, as he gets somewhat serious and emotional. "Thanks for being my friend. I can't thank you enough for saving Rio that one time. It... It really means a lot." Zatel finishes by giving a full body hug, even though he barely hangs onto torterra's massive shell. who looks back smiling.

"You as well Zatel." Zatel releases his awkward embrace. as he pulls out another pokeball.

"Right, go ahead and get some practice in as I talk to the others as well." Zatel responds. Torterra nods his head and walks over to the field. As torterra turns around and leaves, he releases the second pokeball revealing Gliscor, who upon seeing Zatel dive bombs him with a face hug tackling Zatel the ground as he struggles to get the licking Gliscor off him.

"Alright, alright! I love you too Gliscor, can you get off now?!" Zatel shouts somewhat louder than he intended. When he finally gets Gliscor off, he chuckles slightly as he gets his breathing back.

"You're never gonna stop that, are you Gliscor?" Gilagar sticks his tongue out playfully.

"Nope!" His thought crossing Zatel's mind making him sigh.

"Figured... anyway, how are you feeling for today's battle? The time's finally come to challenge Terra for real." Gliscor tilts his head from side to side as he glides in circles.

"Do you think if I win my match, Uxie or Mesprit will finally love me back?" Zatel chuckles as he shakes his head, looking up as he shields his eyes from the bright sun.

"I highly doubt that Gliscor. You know it would never work out right? They don't even have genders." Gliscor continues drifting around somewhat entranced.

"That doesn't matter to me. I think they're both the prettiest pokemon in the world."

"Pretty sure it does matter Gliscor. Anyway, just stay focused during the battle okay?" Gliscor turns his head to face Zatel.

"Okay!" Gliscor responds with a silly salute of his claw as he glides off towards aimlessly around calling out Uxie or Mespirt. Zatel takes out another pokeball, looking at it reminiscing on the time he first caught Samurott as a Dewott. Popping it open to release Samurott who looks square in his eyes.

"Yes Zatel?" Samurott asks focusing his whole attention on Zatel.

"How are you feeling for today's battle?" Samurott eyes shimmer for a second.

Problems on a Galactic Standard (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Remake)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora